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Isabelle Chaudieu

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About Isabelle Chaudieu

Isabelle Chaudieu is known as an actress. She is famous for having participated in Gwendoline (1984).
She posed nude for French porn magazine" Lui " in 1985.
Isabelle Chaudieu is a stunning beauty who was crowned Miss France for 1985. When her nude images were published she was stripped of her title. An all-too-familiar pattern that unfortunately still occurs today. Supposedly she appeared in a French pornographic film entitled Viola Noblesse.
After the crown was stripped from Isabelle, it was given to second place contestant, Carole Tredille, who became a porn star after she had won and subsequently lost the crown as well. Then Miss France 1985 was given to Suzanne Iskandar who was formerly in 3rd place.

Isabelle Chaudieu Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Isabelle Chaudieu Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

Whatever happened to this young fox? She had it going on. Face, Body, etc. She could have made a mint doing XXX porn. My type of white girl for sure!!!

Posted by ymy382 2024-03-10 01:31  

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