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Jana Linke-Sippl

aka Ripped Princess More info on her aliases

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Ripped Princess
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About Jana Linke-Sippl

Jana Linke-Sippl (born March 16, 1968) is a german bodybuilder. She was born in Neustadt an der Orla, East Germany. She gained her interest in bodybuilding after she moved to West Germany. After just 16 months of training, Jana took part in the 1991 IFFB competition. She had breast surgery in December 2008. Jana currently lives in the US and Graz.

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Link badgeJana Linke-Sippl - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2022-10-25

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Adoro essa cavala cheia de carne!!! 😍😍😍

Posted by mrsecretoo 2023-02-05 17:00