Babes born in the year 1968

472 profiles available

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Catherine BellCatherine Bell
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 14th of August
Suzi SimpsonSuzi Simpson
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 16th of November
Ashley AllenAshley Allen
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 7th of February
Angelica BellaAngelica Bella
Passed away at the age of 53 on May 7, 2021
Debora CaprioglioDebora Caprioglio
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 3rd of May
Jeri Lynn RyanJeri Lynn Ryan
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 22nd of February
Heather Stewart-WhyteHeather Stewart-Whyte
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 25th of September
Brandi BrandtBrandi Brandt
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 2nd of November
Danni AsheDanni Ashe
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 16th of January
Traci LordsTraci Lords
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 7th of May
Yasmine BleethYasmine Bleeth
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 14th of June
Renee TenisonRenee Tenison
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 2nd of December
Maria Grazia CucinottaMaria Grazia Cucinotta
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 27th of July
Sabrina SalernoSabrina Salerno
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 15th of March
Kelly HuKelly Hu
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 13th of February
Stephanie SeymourStephanie Seymour
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 23rd of July
Gail McKennaGail McKenna
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 30th of December
Rena SoferRena Sofer
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 2nd of December
Racquel DarrianRacquel Darrian
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 21st of July
Vanessa MarcilVanessa Marcil
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 15th of October
Bridget MarksBridget Marks
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 14th of August
Brenda SchadBrenda Schad
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 3rd of April
Patsy KensitPatsy Kensit
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 4th of March
Gianna AmoreGianna Amore
Passed away at the age of 55 on February 27, 2024
Janine LindemulderJanine Lindemulder
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 14th of November
Lucy LawlessLucy Lawless
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 29th of March
Samantha DormanSamantha Dorman
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 21st of March
Emily ProcterEmily Procter
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 8th of October
Kay HarveyKay Harvey
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 14th of September
Kata KarkkainenKata Karkkainen
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 27th of October
Summer CummingsSummer Cummings
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 4th of March
Suzanne MizziSuzanne Mizzi
Passed away at the age of 42 on May 22, 2011
Melissa EvridgeMelissa Evridge
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 2nd of November
Lori MichaelsLori Michaels
Passed away at the age of 38 on May 7, 2007
Traci BinghamTraci Bingham
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 13th of January
Terrie WoodsTerrie Woods
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 12th of April
Lucy LiuLucy Liu
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 2nd of December
Katie OrgillKatie Orgill
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 10th of September
Bobbie PhillipsBobbie Phillips
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 29th of January
Mindi MinkMindi Mink
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 4th of December
Stephanie Adams (Penthouse)Stephanie Adams (Penthouse)
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 21st of July
Belinda CharltonBelinda Charlton
Passed away at the age of 50 on December 14, 2018
Soleil HughesSoleil Hughes
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 9th of July
Kylie MinogueKylie Minogue
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 28th of May
Stacey WilliamsStacey Williams
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 15th of April
Ashley JuddAshley Judd
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 19th of April
Erika LanivariErika Lanivari
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 22nd of April
Jenny BarnesJenny Barnes
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 12th of July
Sharon FitzpatrickSharon Fitzpatrick
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 19th of April
Carre OtisCarre Otis
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 28th of September
Taylor WaneTaylor Wane
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 27th of August
Tara HeartTara Heart
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 13th of September
Tracey ElvikTracey Elvik
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 31st of January
Super RambaSuper Ramba
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 28th of May
Lorraine OliviaLorraine Olivia
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 10th of February
Stacy HaidukStacy Haiduk
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 24th of April
Gillian AndersonGillian Anderson
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 9th of August
Nici SterlingNici Sterling
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 17th of January
Helle MichaelsenHelle Michaelsen
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 2nd of November
Luana RavegniniLuana Ravegnini
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 5th of September
Barbara MooreBarbara Moore
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 21st of August
Donna D'ErricoDonna D'Errico
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 30th of March
Olivia ParrishOlivia Parrish
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 31st of May
Mikki BrennerMikki Brenner
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 11th of February
Juli AshtonJuli Ashton
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 5th of October
Kelly RutherfordKelly Rutherford
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 6th of November
Griffin DrewGriffin Drew
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 18th of August
Zara WhitesZara Whites
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 8th of November
Rachel AzianiRachel Aziani
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 21st of November
Katja KeanKatja Kean
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 7th of February
Molly RingwaldMolly Ringwald
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 18th of February
Veronica VieyraVeronica Vieyra
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 24th of March
Stacy ArthurStacy Arthur
Passed away at the age of 50 on April 5, 2019
Rosie TenisonRosie Tenison
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 2nd of December
Dina MeyerDina Meyer
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 22nd of December
Naomi WattsNaomi Watts
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 28th of September
Gaynor GoodmanGaynor Goodman
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 26th of November
Chisato ShodaChisato Shoda
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 11th of April
Chantilly LaceChantilly Lace
Passed away at the age of 40 on July 13, 2008
Monique FuentesMonique Fuentes
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 28th of July
Bridgette BlueBridgette Blue
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 12th of January
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 18th of May
Holly WittHolly Witt
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 10th of December
Demetra HamptonDemetra Hampton
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 15th of June
Jane KrakowskiJane Krakowski
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 11th of October
Carolyn MonroeCarolyn Monroe
Passed away at the age of 53 on April 13, 2022
Amber MichaelsAmber Michaels
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 17th of November
Kim AlexisKim Alexis
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 15th of July
Gina ColanyGina Colany
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 17th of April
Lili XeneLili Xene
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 27th of August
Rachel BlakelyRachel Blakely
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 28th of July
Lisa Marie SmithLisa Marie Smith
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 5th of December
Sonia GreySonia Grey
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 30th of August
Rebecca GrantRebecca Grant
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 11th of December
Lauren HaysLauren Hays
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 21st of May
Jenny JizzJenny Jizz
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 6th of November
J.R. CarringtonJ.R. Carrington
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 22nd of November
Lisa DeMarcoLisa DeMarco
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 23rd of March
Johnni BlackJohnni Black
Celebrated her 57th birthday on 14th of January
Parker PoseyParker Posey
Celebrating her 57th birthday on 8th of November

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