Babes born in the year 1975

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Veronika ZemanovaVeronika Zemanova
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 14th of April
Christina HendricksChristina Hendricks
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 3rd of May
Anita DarkAnita Dark
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 11th of April
Terezka DvorakovaTerezka Dvorakova
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 21st of January
Emmanuelle ChriquiEmmanuelle Chriqui
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 10th of December
Lucie KotalovaLucie Kotalova
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 1st of June
Charlize TheronCharlize Theron
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 7th of August
Kalin OlsonKalin Olson
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 29th of December
India SummersIndia Summers
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 26th of April
Sydney MoonSydney Moon
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 5th of January
Moon BloodgoodMoon Bloodgood
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 20th of September
Andrea GarciaAndrea Garcia
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 8th of December
Katarina Van DerhamKatarina Van Derham
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 11th of December
Alicia WittAlicia Witt
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 21st of August
Jaime BergmanJaime Bergman
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 23rd of September
Nikita GrossNikita Gross
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 27th of February
Maria MazzaMaria Mazza
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 23rd of June
Chloe JonesChloe Jones
Passed away at the age of 29 on June 4, 2005
Eva LongoriaEva Longoria
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 15th of March
Jordan LaddJordan Ladd
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 14th of January
Crissy MoranCrissy Moran
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 22nd of December
Monica MendezMonica Mendez
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 15th of January
Jolene BlalockJolene Blalock
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 5th of March
Torrie WilsonTorrie Wilson
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 24th of July
Paula PattonPaula Patton
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 5th of December
Milla JovovichMilla Jovovich
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 17th of December
Bodacious BabbetteBodacious Babbette
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 17th of September
Sunny MabreySunny Mabrey
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 28th of November
Jodi Ann PatersonJodi Ann Paterson
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 31st of July
Paola RighettiPaola Righetti
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 1st of January
Dylan JamesDylan James
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 25th of August
Anja NejarriAnja Nejarri
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 12th of April
Aracely ArambulaAracely Arambula
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 6th of March
Anne DudekAnne Dudek
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 22nd of March
Annina UcatisAnnina Ucatis
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 22nd of December
Aliya WolfAliya Wolf
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 17th of January
Trish StratusTrish Stratus
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 18th of December
Danica McKellarDanica McKellar
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 3rd of January
Mandity IzabellaMandity Izabella
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 27th of October
Taylor HayesTaylor Hayes
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 14th of January
Angelina JolieAngelina Jolie
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 4th of June
Alexis FawxAlexis Fawx
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 23rd of June
Summer StevensSummer Stevens
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 31st of January
Inga DrozdovaInga Drozdova
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 14th of December
Andi Sue IrwinAndi Sue Irwin
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 22nd of April
Lisa BelleLisa Belle
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 20th of March
Linda CardelliniLinda Cardellini
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 25th of June
Jessica LeeJessica Lee
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 18th of February
Elena AnayaElena Anaya
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 17th of July
Danielle ColbyDanielle Colby
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 3rd of December
Stephanie GlassonStephanie Glasson
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 1st of December
Malena CondeMalena Conde
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 21st of November
Judy GreerJudy Greer
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 20th of July
Giorgia SurinaGiorgia Surina
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 8th of March
Ava VincentAva Vincent
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 29th of September
Niki TaylorNiki Taylor
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 5th of March
Kelly StarkKelly Stark
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 29th of December
Katalina VerdinKatalina Verdin
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 16th of August
Tara MonroeTara Monroe
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 25th of April
Natalie TaylorNatalie Taylor
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 25th of January
Aleida NunezAleida Nunez
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 24th of January
Devon LeeDevon Lee
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 8th of August
Shanna MoaklerShanna Moakler
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 28th of March
Victoria ValeVictoria Vale
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 15th of January
Natalie ImbrugliaNatalie Imbruglia
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 4th of February
Chastity LuvvChastity Luvv
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 30th of March
Cassandra WildeCassandra Wilde
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 11th of November
Elle MatthewsElle Matthews
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 22nd of April
Shilpa ShettyShilpa Shetty
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 8th of June
Billie Jean AustinBillie Jean Austin
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 26th of September
Renata BanharaRenata Banhara
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 8th of May
Wanda CurtisWanda Curtis
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 7th of November
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 15th of March
Edita KhainovaEdita Khainova
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 1st of September
Michelle ThorneMichelle Thorne
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 2nd of August
Anna ValleAnna Valle
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 19th of June
Marion CotillardMarion Cotillard
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 30th of September
Kami AndrewsKami Andrews
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 1st of March
Angela TaylorAngela Taylor
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 26th of September
Ashley JuggsAshley Juggs
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 22nd of February
Kylie BaxKylie Bax
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 5th of January
Monique NobregaMonique Nobrega
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 20th of January
Gina HoldenGina Holden
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 17th of March
Megan GaleMegan Gale
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 7th of August
Kate WinsletKate Winslet
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 5th of October
Mia KirshnerMia Kirshner
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 25th of January
Frankie RayderFrankie Rayder
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 26th of January
Natalia DomesticoNatalia Domestico
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 15th of March
Camille CrimsonCamille Crimson
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 4th of April
Sammi JaySammi Jay
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 18th of January
Mar SauraMar Saura
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 16th of October
Avery MorganAvery Morgan
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 6th of April
Britney EvansBritney Evans
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 29th of August
Sky LopezSky Lopez
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 23rd of December
Nancie LeNancie Le
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 29th of June
Radost BokelRadost Bokel
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 4th of June
Marie GillainMarie Gillain
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 18th of June
Amber ChaseAmber Chase
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 31st of August
Natasha BernasekNatasha Bernasek
Celebrated her 50th birthday on 18th of February
Nita MarieNita Marie
Celebrating her 50th birthday on 7th of October

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