Babes born in the year 1953

121 profiles available

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Cathy LarmouthCathy Larmouth
Passed away at the age of 53 on January 4, 2007
Kim BasingerKim Basinger
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 8th of December
Susan Lynn KigerSusan Lynn Kiger
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 16th of November
Kathy ShowerKathy Shower
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 8th of March
Linda GordonLinda Gordon
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 12th of April
Denise MicheleDenise Michele
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 12th of June
Colleen CampColleen Camp
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 7th of June
Laura MischLaura Misch
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 23rd of November
Rita LeeRita Lee
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 15th of June
Sylvia McFarlandSylvia McFarland
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 13th of October
Tracy ScogginsTracy Scoggins
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 13th of November
Mary WatersMary Waters
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 26th of August
Patricia RhombergPatricia Rhomberg
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 15th of September
Jill De VriesJill De Vries
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 20th of July
Classy KatiaClassy Katia
Passed away at the age of 69 on July 9, 2023
Kay LenzKay Lenz
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 4th of March
Ellen MichaelsEllen Michaels
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 12th of February
Judi GibbsJudi Gibbs
Passed away at the age of 32 on January 3, 1986
Pat BenatarPat Benatar
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 10th of January
Dee Dee DeluxxDee Dee Deluxx
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 19th of July
Eleonora GiorgiEleonora Giorgi
Passed away at the age of 71 on March 3, 2025
Margaret WallaceMargaret Wallace
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 5th of December
Mary SteenburgenMary Steenburgen
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 8th of February
Monique St. PierreMonique St. Pierre
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 25th of November
Arielle DombasleArielle Dombasle
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 27th of April
Mesina MillerMesina Miller
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 7th of July
Delia CosnerDelia Cosner
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 7th of July
Billie DeaneBillie Deane
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 13th of May
Cara ReidCara Reid
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 21st of April
Cyndi LauperCyndi Lauper
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 22nd of June
Teresa OrlowskiTeresa Orlowski
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 29th of July
Debora ZulloDebora Zullo
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 23rd of June
Dalila Di LazzaroDalila Di Lazzaro
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 29th of January
Bebe BuellBebe Buell
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 14th of July
Jane BadlerJane Badler
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 31st of December
Carole AugustineCarole Augustine
Passed away at the age of 21 on January 5, 1975
Barbara NivenBarbara Niven
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 26th of February
Alana FordAlana Ford
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 1st of January
Aldine MullerAldine Muller
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 8th of October
Amy IrvingAmy Irving
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 10th of September
Angela CovelloAngela Covello
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 9th of July
Angela JayAngela Jay
Passed away at the age of 71 on May 6, 2024
Anicee AlvinaAnicee Alvina
Passed away at the age of 53 on November 10, 2006
Anna FerrariAnna Ferrari
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 1st of January
Anna MarchesiniAnna Marchesini
Passed away at the age of 62 on July 30, 2016
Annamaria ClementiAnnamaria Clementi
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 9th of September
Anne Bie WarburgAnne Bie Warburg
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 3rd of March
Anne LockhartAnne Lockhart
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 6th of September
Annette HeinzAnnette Heinz
Passed away at the age of 71 on August 22, 2024
Barbara PalombelliBarbara Palombelli
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 19th of October
Bea DumasBea Dumas
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 21st of September
Beatriz SalomonBeatriz Salomon
Passed away at the age of 65 on June 15, 2019
Bern Nadette StanisBern Nadette Stanis
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 22nd of December
Bess ArmstrongBess Armstrong
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 11th of December
Bree AnthonyBree Anthony
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 2nd of April
Carole AndreCarole Andre
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 11th of March
Caroline VCaroline V
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 1st of January
Chaka KhanChaka Khan
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 23rd of March
Chris AndersonChris Anderson
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 1st of January
Christine EbersoleChristine Ebersole
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 21st of February
Christine PascalChristine Pascal
Passed away at the age of 42 on August 30, 1996
Christopher NorrisChristopher Norris
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 7th of October
Darlanne FluegelDarlanne Fluegel
Passed away at the age of 64 on December 15, 2017
Debbie RevengeDebbie Revenge
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 13th of March
Debralee ScottDebralee Scott
Passed away at the age of 52 on April 5, 2005
Diana CanovaDiana Canova
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 1st of June
Dorit HenkeDorit Henke
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 19th of June
Eleonora ValloneEleonora Vallone
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 1st of February
Ellen JanovEllen Janov
Passed away at the age of 22 on January 7, 1976
Ely GalleaniEly Galleani
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 24th of April
Erika CoolErika Cool
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 4th of October
Eve StratfordEve Stratford
Passed away at the age of 21 on March 18, 1975
Gina JanssenGina Janssen
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 4th of January
Hidemi AokiHidemi Aoki
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 31st of January
Isabelle HuppertIsabelle Huppert
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 16th of March
Jan B.Jan B.
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 25th of April
Jan KuehnemundJan Kuehnemund
Passed away at the age of 59 on October 10, 2013
Janet FieldingJanet Fielding
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 9th of September
Jilly JohnsonJilly Johnson
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 17th of November
Joanna KernsJoanna Kerns
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 12th of February
Joelle MogensenJoelle Mogensen
Passed away at the age of 29 on May 15, 1982
Karine GambierKarine Gambier
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 9th of November
Kate CapshawKate Capshaw
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 3rd of November
Kathie Lee GiffordKathie Lee Gifford
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 16th of August
Kathy AyersKathy Ayers
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 1st of January
Kehli O'ByrneKehli O'Byrne
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 1st of January
Kim GordonKim Gordon
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 28th of April
Lanette AusleyLanette Ausley
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 3rd of March
Laura CombesLaura Combes
Passed away at the age of 35 on October 4, 1989
Lauren TewesLauren Tewes
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 26th of October
Laurie BirdLaurie Bird
Passed away at the age of 25 on June 15, 1979
Linda HaydenLinda Hayden
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 19th of January
Lisa LyonLisa Lyon
Passed away at the age of 70 on September 8, 2023
Louise FrevertLouise Frevert
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 31st of May
Lucinha LinsLucinha Lins
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 9th of March
Lydia CornellLydia Cornell
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 23rd of July
Lynn WhitfieldLynn Whitfield
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 15th of February
Mai LinMai Lin
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 22nd of June
Mandy ThaiMandy Thai
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 28th of January
Maria AnzaiMaria Anzai
Passed away at the age of 60 on March 15, 2014

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