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Kathy Shower

aka Katherine Schnaurer More info on her aliases

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Katherine Schnaurer - Real name
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About Kathy Shower

She already was a mother of two young daughters, Melonie (then 6) and Mindy (then 9) — she became the oldest PMOY to date at the age of 33, a distinction she took from Miss August 1970 and PMOY for 1971, Sharon Clark. Kathy's among only a few other women who were Playmates in their 30's, of whom Rebecca Ramos — 35 at the time of her centerfold appearance in January 2003.

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User comments

Very lovely eyes, but she only appeared as a Playmate if she could be named Playmate of the Year later. Such deals were not meant to be made by natural kajirae.

Posted by drusus 2021-08-28 19:37  

She's very cute

Posted by azeri98 2020-05-22 22:57