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Rebecca Anne Ramos

aka Becky Ramos / Rebecca Ramos More info on her aliases

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Becky Ramos
Rebecca Ramos - Playboy Plus
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About Rebecca Anne Ramos

Rebecca Anne Ramos from San Antonio, Texas, has posed for 15 covers, 9 photosets and 6 videos, before retiring in 2011.

Playboy Playmate of the Month in January 1, 2003
Playboy "Playmate Calendar 2004 - Playmates Features" 28 November 2011
Playboy "Women of - La Vida Loca" 28 September 2011
Playboy "Playmate Review 2003 - Features" 19 January 2003
Playboy "Playmate Exclusives January 2003 - Rebecca Ramos" 31 December 2002
Playboy "Playmate of the Month January 2003 - Rebecca Ramos" 31 December 2002
Playboy "Casting Calls #015 - Austin 2001" 1 October 2001
Appeared in numerous Playboy videos

Rebecca Ramos is one of the oldest Playmates, having appeared as Miss January 2003 at the age of 35. Rebecca Ramos is of Mexican heritage and is also the granddaughter of Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez. She has a law degree from St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas.

Rebecca Ramos was the second Cyber Girl to become a Playmate without becoming Cyber Girl of the Month, a title she lost to Tailor James (Lani Todd was the first Cybergirl to become a playmate). Although she lost to James, she did achieve Playmate status before her.

Rebecca Anne Ramos Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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It's a shame that she was only an outlier. More Playmates like her would have been very welcome.

Posted by Jaquio 2025-01-07 07:44  🛈  

A very sexy lady. I am a fan.

Posted by JoeyVimsantePoet 2024-12-06 23:56  🛈  

Still would

Posted by Starbrand62286 2024-08-28 21:32  🛈  

瑞贝卡·安娜·拉莫斯(Rebecca Anne Ramos),美国得克萨斯州女律师,曾荣登2003年《花花公子》杂志一月份月度女郎殊荣(Playboy Playmate Of The Month January 2003)。

姓名:瑞贝卡·安娜·拉莫斯(Rebecca Anne Ramos)
出生地:美国得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市( San Antonio, Texas, United States)

瑞贝卡·安娜·拉莫斯(Rebecca Anne Ramos),美国得克萨斯州女律师,曾荣登2003年《花花公子》杂志一月份月度女郎殊荣(Playboy Playmate Of The Month January 2003)。
瑞贝卡·安娜·拉莫斯(Rebecca Anne Ramos)的祖父Henry B. Gonzalez是国会议员,她从小上的都是全女子的天主教学校。在大学期间,瑞贝卡是学校啦啦队队长,她在圣玛丽大学毕业时,金融学荣获极优等毕业荣誉(magna cum laude),并取得了法律双学位。
目前,瑞贝卡在加州的一家律师事务所工作。诸多粉丝都为瑞贝卡献上赞誉:“I believe that this woman is a perfect 10 and that she could fulfill my every fantasy.”
在《花花公子》杂志史上,与瑞贝卡齐名的另一位上镜女律师,当属达丽雅·派图诃娃(Daria Petukhova),俄罗斯知名模特,曾经荣登《花花公子》杂志2012年度11月份俄版的月度女郎。

 美国德州女律师 瑞贝卡·安娜·拉莫斯(Rebecca Anne Ramos)2003年荣登《playboy》杂志

Posted by pontiff1987 2024-04-07 07:11  🛈  

Read from some movies biographies that she was born on August 28th and not 26th...

Posted by evilyvan 2023-08-27 20:19  🛈  

While I typically prefer the 18-19 year old teen playmates for my masturbation material (Cady Cantrell, Julia Schultz, Jillian Grace, etc, etc to just name a few), Rebecca Ramos blows that trend to bits. Looking at her incredible naked 35 year old body makes me so hard and horny. Rebecca is prime, grade A masturbation material at its best! And she is not incredible to look at nude due to photo shopping and airbrushing like many would assume. I have seen her Playboy videos in the video playmate calendar and she is just as stunning looking naked as she is in her pictures. You can't airbrush and photoshop a live action video. I masturbate to those videos and her pictures all the time and just writing this already has me hard just thinking about it. Sounds like a good time to pop in that DVD with Rebecca and jerk off looking at her insane, naked 35 year old body in motion!

Posted by jeromejerome 2023-02-13 15:58  🛈  

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It's now 7:20 in the morning, I have the house to myself, there is no better way to start the day than jacking off while looking at the hot, naked body of the 35 year old Rebecca Ramos!

Posted by jeromejerome 2023-02-15 14:24  🛈  

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It is now 10:00 am and it is time for RRR2. That stands for Rebecca Ramos Round 2. As in I already shot one load looking at Rebecca's naked 35 year old body. Felt so good it is time for more!

Posted by jeromejerome 2023-02-15 17:01  🛈  

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It's 12:45 pm and ready for RRR3! Masturbating to Rebecca Ramos Round 3! That sexy naked 35 year old Playboy Playmate is such prime jack off material!

Posted by jeromejerome 2023-02-15 19:47  🛈  

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I agree with everything you said 100%

Posted by masturbate2020 2023-05-13 05:51  🛈