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Username: | EternalFreedomDharma |
Signed up on: | February 9, 2025 |
Last seen on: | March 23, 2025 |
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Most Beautiful Playmates
EternalFreedomDharma's Favorites
Voting Summary
Total number of profile votes: 792Average profile vote: 7.59 / 10
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Comments by EternalFreedomDharma
Comments on profile pages (221)
There are too many comments to show. The list below is limited to the most recent 100 comments.
There is plenty about her life and biography online for anyone who bothers to google her life story. Being lazy and not bothering to even do a quick check on her biography is embarrassing. Even wikipedia(which gives sources also) mentions it. Boomers like you just have no clue,even all these decades later,about famous life stories. You call yourself a playboy afficionado? Embarrassing grandpa,"asswipe".
"Stowe later married and divorced Peter Maligo, with whom she had a son, Michael.[3] Stowe moved to Fort Lauderdale in 1986 to find work as an exotic dancer. When Michael was six she sent him to live with her mother but still stayed in touch with him through phone calls and visits.[3] The dancing didn't work out. Stowe eventually fell into prostitution, alcoholism and drug abuse.[5]
In 1991, Stowe moved in with a boyfriend and gave up drugs and prostitution. This lasted until August 1996, when after a drunken argument they split. Stowe went back to her former life on the streets.[5] "
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Star Stowe2025-03-23 20:51 (edited 2025-03-23 20:52)
AGain, nothing novel. Playmates had full frontal photos taken as long back as the 1920s at least, roaring 20s, flapper girls,and every decade since, look it up. and since 1954 for Playboy.And many nude models,not only playmates. And the difference is that they left in archives and only released after 1971. December 1st 1970 was the January 1971 issue,when it went on sale. That was the first full frontal pubic hair playmate. A year later, December 1st 1971,Jan 1972 playmate, she also showed a bit of her labia,first one. But not because she was the first to do so, the first ot be PUBLISHED doing so,right away. Then thousands of other models in hindsight from the last 50 years before that started to be released from archives. There are countless photos of Playboy playmates even from 1954 to 1971 who had full frontal shots taken during and before and after their playboy shoots,but all before 1972. Centerfolds often showed less revealing photos than other ones taken of them, this is the case for hundreds of playmates throughout its 67-year lifespan until spring 2021.
Marilyn Lange one of man, showed her pussy lips full frontal in several photos in the shoot,as did Karen Price and countless others even after it was allowed to show right away,but just not on the centerfold itself. This is because Playboy was a family magazine in that it was in tens of millions of family households and little girls and boys regularly saw it on the counter and parents never hid it,it was normal for little girls to see the photos and want to grow up being like that and wanting to be a playmate. This was commonplace in America and UK and Canada etc. Boys fapped to them and parents knew and it wasn't a problem. But Playboy often left the raunchiest photos outside the centerfold,as kids often would only open the centerfold.
In case of Karen Christy though, she was a massive hoe, as she slept around and did favor for Hefner, in exchange for opportunities. She would do so often. filmed home porn together with him,as did many playmates. Here are some photos of her sucking and Fing Hefner:
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Karen Christy2025-03-23 16:18 (edited 2025-03-23 16:19)
depends who you ask. Fair is a very subjective word and view. God decides.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Shannen Doherty2025-03-21 20:40
What a pretty little tasta. Seems drusus does not appreciate asian curvy tasty puddings. More for the rest of uus for the pleasure of males.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Deborah Borkman2025-03-21 20:39 (edited 2025-03-21 20:57)
she is literally an imbecile if you look at what she is doing as the new EU right hand to Ursula,horrid delusional statement and decisions. In her own country she despised by the people there and was insanely unpopular and lied to the population and did opposite of her election promises, she is famous for being a scumbag politician. Also her face is much older and wrinkled for many years well ahead of her age.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Kaja Kallas2025-03-21 20:35
SInce the 00s average cup size for women is an E cup, DD. In the 70s the average was a D cup and in the 1950s C cup. Outside of Asia,Persia, India and Africa of course,as well as mestizo nations in South America. Nutrition is much better than the 50s or even 70s now. D cup is nothing to write home about, below average nowadays. An F cup is good, G cup is great, H cup is perfect. Shape also matters a bit, but most shapes are amazing on women.
Pubic hair issue is that any woman will tell you it itched always and now there are methods better than ever to effectively get rid of it all. Heating and cooling systems in houses have made the evolutionary need for public hair for people obsolete. In a few millennia pubic hair will not even grow at all on humans,as evolution takes a bit of time to adapt,catch on to new circumstances. It was needed to protect reproductive organs for humans in the past from cold or overheating. No longer needed. Also smell of piss even after showering was always an issue, nasty smells inside the hair itself, could not get rid of it easily. So it is now gone to stay. We are the last generation to even remember pubic hair on women when we were small children ourselves. Evolution moves forward!
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Claudia Schiffer2025-03-21 20:30 (edited 2025-03-21 20:32)
Seems you are delusional. Nobody is mimicking anything. It was unsanitary and provably so, piss stench stayed on hair despite showering and women pee many times a day usually,and they constantly had it itching,ask any older woman. Smelled way worse going down on women too. It is a thing of the past for many decades now and will never return outside fetishist niche dreams. The evolutionary reason for pubic hair for people was to protect inner reproductive organs,eggs,ovaries, fellopian tubes for women in this case,from overheating or too much cold. But we have good buildings now and heating,cooling systems. As science shows that in a few millennia evolution will simply have pubic hair no longer grow,and people in general will have less and less hair. As it is no longer needed evolution wise there. nor on butts,backs,chest,arms,legs etc for people. This is evolution.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Debra Peterson2025-03-21 19:41 (edited 2025-03-21 19:42)
Sadly no breasts to speak of though. A cup is flat chested. D cup is a minimum really. Since 2010s average breast size for women is DD aka E cup,outside of Asia and Africa,India. White women in white countries. It was a D cup average in the 1980s for women and C cup in 1950s, but nutrition has gone way up since then and now is the reality of female potential,why many women have an F,G,H,I etc cups,with an E cup average. A,B and C cups are just sad tbh,much like a 2,3 or 4 inch penis is just sad for a man. D cup is like 5 inches,minimum really. 6 inches for guys aka E cup as average, F aka 7 inches is good, G aka 8 inches for guys is better, H cup aka 9 inches is perfect.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Patricia Margot McClain2025-03-21 19:36
No,you clown. this is the site and it is an official one. Research. So you don't even know Alex? Literally the official liason for Playboy, direct communication with everyone who measured and analysed the bodies,all measurements taken of the bust,hips,wast(not band measurement) and much more, as well as the other data on them,who worked directly with the playmates throughout the decades. Stop embarrassing yourself. Site is alive and well and we ain't talking about playboy plus. Joan Bennett has no page anywhere,clown, because she literally gave a cease and desist order of copyright claim and it forbidden for anyone not authorized to show any photo or video of her.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Karen Velez2025-03-21 18:47 (edited 2025-03-21 18:48)
you mean her older sister, she has no younger sister.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Ann Pennington2025-03-19 21:36
straight men want feminine women with large breasts,just how it is. Not a masculine stick figure with jaws of a velociraptor.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Lily Aldridge2025-03-19 21:33 (edited 2025-03-19 21:34)
ass cheeks? Every man has an ass, some have round asses. Men who think asses are more improtant than breasts are actually,well, not exactly straight, more so bi. A woman with basically no breasts to speak of will never be in the top1000
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Lily Aldridge2025-03-19 21:32
325 million? You're stuck in the 90s,boomer. It is 340 million now.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Ashlyn Dupont2025-03-19 21:07
uhm,no. Way more busty women coming from Eastern European countries and slavic countries like Russia, Ukraine,Belarus,Poland,Romania,Bulgaria,Hungary,Slovakia, Check Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia etc. Not from USA. Though U.S. has some. UK and Italy has more than USA though,for sure.(We are talking % of the population, not in actual numbers,due to population differences) This is well known. But white women definitely have the biggest tits. And american women who have big tits tend to have british or slavic or eastern european heritage in their family tree. German,danish,swedish,dutch,norwegian,finnish,baltic women are known to have small breasts(exceptions confirm the rule)
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Ashlyn Dupont2025-03-19 21:04 (edited 2025-03-19 21:10)
We can literally look at tits of Mudd on this site and they are exquisite, not at all saggy. So clearly that was bs slander.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Ashlyn Dupont2025-03-19 21:01
to be fair, she does not make them pay, only desperate embarrassing idiots pay for her photos. In fact same can be said for those who pay for nudes,when all of it is available free online. But the incels think they will get to know her and have her like them haha. Delusional schlobs
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Ashlyn Dupont2025-03-19 20:59
She shows no nudity, so she is useless basically.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Ashlyn Dupont2025-03-19 20:57
No, she shows nothing, therefore she has no business being in the top1000 ever, let alone top100.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Ashlyn Dupont2025-03-19 20:56
There is nothing tragic about it. At all. It is tragic for you,because you emotionally invested into them. This is in fact good, we are separating wheat from the chaff, natural selection, survival of the fittest. Women with not enough intellect and moral standing will,as a rule,never breed,thus their genetic lineage ends,dies out. Their DNA could not adapt to the environment. They were useless for nature,thus they will not be part of human evolution,literally. At least lonely men,instead of being violent, will jack off to these photos and videos of them,and everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame and 15 minutes of jack off material for the guys. Humanity always had 70 to 90% of men never breed for over 2 million years,and in recent few centuries still 60 to 70% of men never became fathers. Nowadays we still have over 50% of men who became fathers in the 00s, 20 years ago. Current data shows however than about 70% of men are not father by the age of 40, this percentage is still growing quickly. It will settle around 80% of men not being fathers even by age 60, and this is a historical standard actually, the 19th and 20th century especially was an anomaly. We also have less than 5% of people aged 18 to 45 marrying now, which is still falling fast annually. This will go to 1% or so of people marrying only,just as it was in the 19th century,when the legal document was only for rich people to protect their assets,and most rich never married for that reason. Average and above average people never married aside from church ceremony,no government document.
But it is very good that these shallow vapid women, who did not evolve to adapt, will not carry on their dna,as they are empty and vapid low IQ creatures, born in essence to have sex with rich men and provide fap material for the poor until they get into their 30s and fade away and spend the next potential 90 years( women live to over 120 now),or at least the next 60 years regretting or not regretting their life. Best they save up their money or invest also,as they will have no husband or children to take care of them in their golden years, if they don't end themselves first.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Ashlyn Dupont2025-03-19 20:53
dude, it is very obvious that is not how she looks. You gotta be blind not to see it is massive amounts of filters and AI enhancements. Like a cartoon character of her basically, it is very popular nowadays.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Donna D'Errico2025-03-17 16:52
Her name is JENNY McCarthy, who actually went on to fight for people's health in major ways. And it is over 30 years,not 20 years, during the time of your comment,since her playboy issue came out. Do your maths.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Pamela Anderson2025-03-17 16:40
lol what. She made a tiny blip in the entertainment industry history at best. She has achieved nothing much, unless you consider her playing a whore in Scary Movie 3 as a huge achievement? lol. Her bouncing implants in Baywatch and 2 sex tapes 30 years ago is what made her marginally famous back then.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Pamela Anderson2025-03-17 16:38 (edited 2025-03-17 16:39)
horrible taste, almost any playmate was better than she was 35 years ago. C cups barely also,and a face you see on every girl every day in the city. Unremarkable,and got nasty with horrible implants ,badly done work too on top of it, later. Could name hundreds of playmates and thousands of models way hotter than her from the 80s and 90s era.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Pamela Anderson2025-03-17 16:33
This is why Hefner gave orders to burn his decades of collections of celebrities,actors,musicians,politicians,models, thousands since 1950s into 90s, thrown into the ocean,all of it, in the mid90s,after the Pamela tapes went viral. He realized it was to odangerous and said it would destroy countless careers and lives,families,marriages of many known people if it ever became public. He had it all destroyed, over 40 years worth of it. He was about 70 at the time.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Pamela Anderson2025-03-17 16:31
She was nowhere near Hefner or the Mansion in November or December 1986. The photoshoot took place in March of 1986,the issue came on sale on October 1st 1986(always a month prior to issue month date). Donna Edmondson would be repulsed at your comment, you realize that, right? I wonder if you would even realize why she would slap you and be disgusted at you for saying such filth ,even bringing her kids and parents into this. Insulting her in so many ways,calling her a cheap whore. You seem to truly despise her and many other women, no respect at all,disrespecting them in nasty ways.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Donna Edmondson2025-03-17 15:44
dude, next time check the obvious notice that she died in 2017 before wishing her a happy new year. Cringe.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Janet Lupo2025-03-17 14:57
sigh. picture 3 is literally simply called aging,teenagers. And she aged beautifully.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Patricia Farinelli2025-03-17 14:53 (edited 2025-03-17 14:54)
This is fully false. Do your own research. Pubic hair evolutionarily only ever came about to protect the internal reproductive organs from the cold of the weather or overheating from the weather in Africa and southern hemisphere,as we did not have warm houses and heating up until recently. Scientists have already concluded that given enough time, which will take a millennia at least, humans will stop having hair grow there entirely. Academic research and anthropological data confirms this increasingly. Do you know what pubic hair is for even? It has outgrown its purpose increasingly, redundant all but for a small percentage of humanity who still lack any heating when cold and shade and cooling when too hot outside.
And you haven't looked into things too much,since there were PLENTY women in the 1960s and 70s,let alone the 80s not only in everyday life,but in adult modeling, thousands in the 70s had fully shaven, except for a tiny strip around the clitoris and labia minora,barely visible,and even that was trimmed. I can tell you're not a man who has discussed these things with older women who were young back in the 70s, but that doesn't mean you can't research these things in this day and age,long since.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Marilyn Lange2025-03-17 14:42 (edited 2025-03-17 14:45)
Bullshit. No obituary,thus alive. Who cares what a rando says online.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Azizi Johari2025-03-17 13:14
Has a sister who is 9 months and 9 days older. Same mom. So literally mom popped Alana out on Feb 21st,and on leap day feb 29th or March 1st, later had a fresh load of cum from daddy and sister was conceived immediately. Yikes, talk about no responsibility actually. Mom taking care of and breastfeeding a baby whilst pregnant with the next.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Alana Soares2025-03-17 13:01
What a GORGEOUS woman. @drusus.. why no love for this sweet curvy tasta?!
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Lynnda Kimball2025-03-17 10:36
oh please, thousands easily match and then some, even Janet Lupo, Karen Prince, Patricia Farinelli, Kimberly McArthur, Gig Gangel, Julia Lyndon, Cynthia Myers, Karen Velez, Roberta Vasquez, Donna Edmondson, Candy Loving, Penny Baker, Petra Verkaik, Marina Baker , Konopski, Charlotte Kemp and so many more.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Marilyn Lange2025-03-17 10:29
literally not true, countless women more than ever look like,body and face wise,and even better ,than Lange. Research.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Marilyn Lange2025-03-17 10:26
all huge breasts have large areolas, logically
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Marilyn Lange2025-03-17 10:25
So you must hate Michael Myers then, who slaughtered her in Halloween in 1978.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Sandy Johnson2025-03-17 08:38
compassion is useless and wasted on the dead. Since you like taking jabs, seems you,in your first incarnation, are ever so more losing any semblance of logic and intelligence. Also you like to enable bad unhealthy habits it seems. I merely pointed out her mistakes in rushing and if you were able to read, drusus, I did say it is sad there.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Debbie Boostrom2025-03-17 08:20
photoshoot taken in June 1972, not 1973(issue came out January 1st 1973,always month earlier). Her breasts are C cups. Those are below average. In the 1980s average for women were D cups. In 2010s it is an E aka DD cup. Not just in USA,but UK, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, France, Italy, Spain etc. She does have a decent bush,yes. Top100 perhaps even among the 803 playmates(not counting the 4 women multiple times, 2 of whom won the title 3 times and 2 won it twice,and not counting the 2 men in Nov 2017 and August 2019 playmates),but counting all twins and triplets separately.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Cyndi Wood2025-03-17 08:11
nowhere? Dude, she was a raging alcoholic and drug addict for decades, her heart gave out at 56 obviously.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Marilyn Chambers2025-03-17 07:54
Her breasts are definitely not big. She is a C cup. C cups were average size for women in the 1950s. By the 1980s a D cup was average, and in 2010s a DD aka E cup is average. Not just in America,but in Ukraine, Russia, UK, Australia, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Argentina etc. She has small breasts by definition. Average if we lived in the 1950s. Nutrition has become better since then and even the 1980s.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Neferteri Shepherd2025-03-17 07:13
But the playmate of November 1985, Ursula, was the first to go down Penthouse magazine, and Teri Weigel was the 2nd playmate to go do Penthouse magazine after her.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Teri Weigel2025-03-17 06:29 (edited 2025-03-17 06:30)
her pubes were not thick. Hundreds of playmates with thicker muffs. This is just standard of any woman really.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Teri Weigel2025-03-17 06:27
She did much more than just display her body, she was a swinger and fucked many men and did porn,honey boo. Intimidates you,yes?
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Teri Weigel2025-03-17 06:25
Not DD. They are F cups aka DDD cups. Always were. Playboy always listed them as such,got measured as such.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Sasha Bonilova2025-03-17 03:09
This is factually incorrect. Studies show women in Ukraine in fact have a C cup on average. Due to poor nutrition in part. Same for Russia. USA,UK,Australia,France,Poland,Italy etc have a DD aka E cup as average. So in fact those women have bigger breasts on average than Ukrainian women. Lets keep it real. Research the studies.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Sasha Bonilova2025-03-17 03:08
Those are not DD cups. Never were. Playboy always said they are E cups aka DDD cups. They measure their models. F cups aka DD cups are noticeably smaller. The average cup size for women in USA, UK,France,Italy,Australia,Russia,Belarus,Poland,Ukraine,Spain,Mexico etc are DD cup, as studies since 2010 show consistently. The average was a D cup in the 1980s and a C cup in the 1950s,but generations with better food growing up,unlike those born in the 1930s or even those born in the 1960s, have made it the DD average it currently is. She is an E aka DDD cup, bigger than average for women now.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Sasha Bonilova2025-03-17 03:05
pedophile predator
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Tegan Marie2025-03-17 02:53
you're sick, a predator alert should be given out.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Tegan Marie2025-03-17 02:52
You're a pedophile, you literally confessed to liking girl that look 12.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Tegan Marie2025-03-17 02:51
@drusus Well you CAN,nobody is stopping you to speak for them. Because you certainly can't speak for all men either, yet you do that anyway. Hypocritical much?
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Sasha Bonilova2025-03-17 02:49
Emma Roberts? You kidding? She is one of the most plain non-lookers in hollywood. You see hotter women pass you on the street every day.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Sasha Bonilova2025-03-17 02:47
You got your wish. 9.04 points now. Outside the top100 though. At 108.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Sasha Bonilova2025-03-17 02:44 (edited 2025-03-17 02:44)
lol. No. In fact Baywatch never had women with F cups aka DDD cups. Pamela Anderson had C cups,barely. Women's average cup size was a C cup in the 1950s, a D cup in the 1980s(when she came to playboy) and a DD aka E cup in the 2010s and still. Pamela got implants and got to an E cup. Nobody had bigger tits than her on the show,there were no F cups. Most were C or D cups on the show. This woman is too chubby for Baywatch, they never got such thick women on the show back then. And you need acting talent,even a bit,for that. Pamela Anderson was able to at least act passably,it wasn't her implants that had her stay for years on the show.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Sasha Bonilova2025-03-17 02:44
If you actually knew anything for real about Candy Loving, you would know basics at least. And Stratten was PMOY 1980,but they picked them from 1979 playmates. That much was obvious from the context I layed out. Pay attention. And you would know that Loving not becoming PMOY had nothing to do with her husband, in fact she could care less about him and wanted to leave him. He actually was campaigning for her to become Playmate of the year. The man had no self-worth ,high school is when they met,and she grew sick of his low self-worth. He was the one who pushed her and insisted she take part in the Playboy 25th Anniversary search. She travelled around the country and the world without him, the bum had no job and was relying on her for money. Pathetic. She dumped his ass in 1980. She later met Tampa Bay Buccaneers offensive lineman Dave Reavis when both were judging a beauty pageant. She followed him to Tampa in July 1983, but that relationship also disintegrated quickly. Later still she met a local nobody,so to speak, and got pregnant. That relationship also crumbled and she became a single mom.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Candy Loving2025-03-17 01:51
Don't stress too much about it, he is well known on the site for years now with his heavily misogynistic comments and insecurities and fake machismo. Everyone just either ignores him or laughs and cringes at his comments.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Kim Morris2025-03-11 05:45 (edited 2025-03-11 05:45)
Are you aware what a C cup even means though? You do realize that a Cup size consists of 2 parameters, not just the letter(which signifies the difference between band and bust size, 2.5 to 3 inches in her case), the number is important when it comes to their volume however. It's an honest mistake of most who don't have much experience with many women,but the volume of the breast is based on the band size under the breasts. The letter only shows how many inches more the bust is. Either way,the bigger the band size, the bigger cup volume(not the cup size however), 28C and 30C would looks smaller, but she has 31C( a 32C cup size thus) on her frame,as Playboy measured the bust measurement(on top of the breast) of each model,alongside waist and hips. it was 34 for her,and band size was 31 inches.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Venice Kong2025-03-10 14:53 (edited 2025-03-10 14:54)
I appreciate esthetics,it is soothing. I certainly do not masturbate to them, that would be a violation of their dignity!
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Devin DeVasquez2025-03-10 14:49
even more women nowadays have big tits with puffy nipples. average cup size was D in 80s and C in 50s, it is DD now. Research.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Pamela Saunders2025-03-09 05:20
Definitely do not look bigger than a C. They look rather small actually. Women's average in USA,Canada,Australia,Ireland,UK,France etc is DD aka E cup on average. Look it up. It was a D in the 1980s and a C in the 1950s. Nutrition has gone to the max since WW2. You must be confused due to her being thin,thus thinking they have more inches between band size and bust size,but it is only 2.5 to 3 inches,thus a C cup. Breast shape can also influence people thinking they are bigger than they are. But if you look at her photoshoot,especially from the side, it is very apparent she has a small C cup. And everyone knows how tits seem bigger when you push forward,leaning in. But that's a rookie mistake.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Venice Kong2025-03-09 04:39 (edited 2025-03-09 04:40)
artificial? No way! The way they lay and bounce ,definitely real,as the site bio also shows here. And overall though, larger breasts are always better,at minimum a D cup, but an E cup is better, an F cup is very good and G and H cups are perfect. She is a natural E cup,so indeed good! If she had a C cup or less, she would not be as attractive sexually. The average female cup size in USA,UK,Canada,France,Australia etc has gone from a C cup in 1950s to a D cup in 1980s to an E/DD cup in the 2010s onwards thanks to good nutrition. She has an average cup size by today's confirmed sizes of cups. G and H cups are perfection though. Wanting women with little to no breasts seems to indicate a person is into kids,very fishy. Women definitely should have large breasts!
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Peggy McIntaggart2025-03-09 04:13 (edited 2025-03-09 04:17)
what is epic?
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Devin DeVasquez2025-03-09 01:48
why? Because you can see women as slabs of meat here simply and have misoginy go unchecked?
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Devin DeVasquez2025-03-09 01:47
Having a birthday today, on women's day, must be a bummer. You only get flowers and gifts once, not twice.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Kathy Shower2025-03-09 01:34
I am not stalking anything, I am just marveling at playmates through the decades,one by one,and I always see your comments under almost all of them inevitably. It's not like I'm aware where else you comment or go there to check. Actually Pryda said a month ago that she could unban me as it was a misunderstanding,but I said I had made a new account and there was no need to anymore, so there is that.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Cindy Brooks2025-03-08 20:55 (edited 2025-03-08 20:56)
But you were not focusing on their looks as in "ugly",but on how young she looked, hard to believe she was 33 you said. Looks are besides the point. I agree that many young women are not pretty and many in their 30s are beautiful, Cindy among them of course. But I am saying she did not look younger than her years. Especially if we zoom in to the face despite all the airbrushing in her photoshoots in the 80s. She had many wrinles and creases and even some signs of sagging around the breasts. Nothing big to notice initially,but definitely looked older than women 5,let alone 10 years younger than her. But Dolores Donlon actually did look younger,which is why they believed her when she changed her birthyear from 1920 to 1926,back in 1957 when they took the photos. She passed for 30 easily despite being 36. Rebecca Anne Ramos less so,but looked younger than 35 also. Kazakova looked younger than 35 also. Julianna Young however looked older than her age,despite being younger than Cindy by 3.5 months.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Cindy Brooks2025-03-08 20:54
Photoshoot took place in August 1984, so she was 32,not 33.
Dolores Donlon is much more impressive,who was nearly 37 in 1957 in her playmate photoshoot. Of course since 1986 until 2021 there have been many more playmates in their 30s, including several over 33 years old.
Khrystyana Kazakova was 35, as well as Rebecca Anne Ramos at 35. Julianna Young was 33 also, among others.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Cindy Brooks2025-03-08 03:01 (edited 2025-03-08 20:50)
clean for an island girl? What? What racism is this? And not sixty, but ''six'' million dollar man. The remake with Mark Wahlberg was initially titled 6 billion dollar man,due to inflation in the last 50 years. Film came out in 2021.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Karen Velez2025-03-08 00:46 (edited 2025-03-08 00:47)
they always looked fake. Good boob job for early 80s standards,but not today's standards. The official Playboy cybersclub has them as fake also. Come on,mate, it's fairly obvious too in her photoshoots.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Karen Velez2025-03-08 00:44 (edited 2025-03-08 00:45)
deadorkicking,though correct here, often has thousands of incorrect things, they got plenty dead people still alive, obituaries out and other sites show it,yet they don't. That site is useless,boobpedia is also useless for many years. They have people who have been dead for 25 years as still alive,thousands of models in the 21st century who have passed away.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Karen Velez2025-03-08 00:42 (edited 2025-03-08 00:42)
You are congratulating a dead person, had died 7 months prior to your comment. You did not bother to even check the info. Some fan you are.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Karen Velez2025-03-08 00:39 (edited 2025-03-08 00:39)
imdb is known to often be incorrect. I let them know and they have now corrected it. Her obituary was public, you might check that next time first. Imdb is not an authority on much.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Karen Velez2025-03-08 00:38
rather mediocre job frankly, was always obvious in her photoshoots. Good for the early 80s perhaps,but not by today's standards.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Karen Velez2025-03-08 00:37 (edited 2025-03-08 00:37)
is it because they are fake,because they are.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Karen Velez2025-03-08 00:37
the official Playboy cybers club shows they were fake.Which they clearly are in her photoshoots,you can tell.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Karen Velez2025-03-08 00:36
You clearly don't look around much. Tens of thousands of models with bodies like that, with thousands having breasts her size as well. Seriously,no joke, you need to look around, countless women under 30 have such bodies.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Roberta Vasquez2025-03-08 00:00
she was single.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Roberta Vasquez2025-03-07 23:59
a virgin with fake tits,though. Doubtful she was a virgin lol
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Kelly Tough2025-03-07 23:43
with fake tits.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Ruth Guerri2025-03-07 23:40
boobpedia literally is known for thousands of mistakes with cup size and even birthday dates,not just years. Has thousands of models deaths missing from the last 15 years. The site was bought a few years ago by a guy who made it into an escort site, it does not any more allow edits nor logging into the old page,which is a remnant on the server,it will be soon deleted. Boobpedia has long since not been an authority,it has many things fully incorrect,including modeling agencies stating otherwise from it,and models themselves. Boobpedia is NOT reputable,not for years now, this is well known. Look through a few thousand models,both old and new,you will see thousands of cup sizes wrong,as well as fake or real wrong,as well as birth years, birth months and days wrong,as well as missing deaths for countless,and even incorrect heights,weight and birthplaces. editing was accessible to everyone on there for many years,same as here,so you are wrong about that also. But that stopped when the new owner closed down the option of logging in or registering,let alone editing,some years back. It is now an escort site.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Heidi Sorenson2025-03-07 23:33 (edited 2025-03-07 23:36)
they were literally not gaping open. Please have your eyes checked. HD versions of the magazine abound. Including Greiner. You seem to not understand the anatomy of female genitalia, labia majora and labia minora. None were remotely open,let alone gaping. Fulyl closed. The lack of hair on Greiner's outer labia majora is visible and anyone with eyes sees how it is fully closed,whilst visible. You live in your fantasies,not reality.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Liz Stewart2025-03-07 22:31
October 1983 photoshoot,was 26, looked in her 30s face wise.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Tricia Lange2025-03-07 22:13
She was not 21. She was barely 20, in September 1983,when photos taken,born on Aug 27th 1963. Issue hit the stands on April 1st 1984(May issue),making her 20 and 7 months then.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Patty Duffek2025-03-07 22:04
She STILL is. What do you mean was? She is alive and well.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Lesa Ann Pedriana2025-03-07 21:51
There have been such series several times. Look it up.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Justine Greiner2025-03-05 21:35
First one to ever be born after 1964 also(1964 is officially the last year of baby boomers, so she was the first ever gen X playmate. First gen Y playmates are ones born starting in 1981. First gen Z playmates were born in 1997,as first year of generation officially. And March 1983 and April 1983 playmates were the first 2 that were born in 1964). She will turn 60 this year. And yes. That was a common occurrence,even publishing when was still 17( a playmate in early 80s, will let you find her. She lied about being born in 1959,though it was 1963..came from abroad the U.S.), but dozens and dozens were 16 or 17 when taking the photos,but sat on them waiting or published when was 17 back in the 50s and 60s, in the 70s onwards they published only at 18 as a rule, and post-production took about 8 months before the publishing issue anyway( a March issue came out Feb 1st etc, always a month before the issue month title)
And seems like she was a horrible inconsiderate girlfriend,because unless you warn the guy AND he is okay with it, you can't really do it,or not be in a relationship with him anymore. She hid it,so that is very low of her. Hope he had enough self-worth to leave her for that deceit.
Just read up on her and she moved to Chicago,alone,from New York,where she had no bf and had gal pals she rented an apartment with. And She entered Playboy Models agency right after arriving in Chicago,in April 1983. There was no bf in 1983 at all.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Penny Baker2025-03-05 19:13 (edited 2025-03-05 20:15)
And decades before that, we have plenty muffs and full frontals from 40s,50s,60s,30s ,but they were published in the 70s onwards only,retroactively. Very beautiful. Including playmates of 50s and 60s had their muffs revealed ,those photos from archives.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Terry Nihen2025-03-05 17:36 (edited 2025-03-05 17:37)
many models have more than an H cup also, H cup is not that uncommon, tens of thousands of models and adult entertainers even have them,let alone real life. The average cup size for women in USA,Canada,UK,France etc is an E cup. An I, J,K,L,M,N cups are also a thing,natural ones.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Yonia2025-03-05 13:10
Also you don't estimate, a D cup is always 3.5 to 4 inches more for bust than band size, each number adds 1 inch. an F cup is 5.5 to 6 inches, a H cup is 7.5 to 8 inches more. If the cup size comes to an uneven number,you round it up by 1 inch, or round it down by half an inch at most to get the correct cup size.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Laurine (Model)2025-03-05 12:57
99% of men have no clue that the cup size number shows band size measurement and not bust size measurement, so they often correct it or insert info incorrectly for either the bust size(alongside waist and hips),but more often for the band size and thus cup size.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Laurine (Model)2025-03-05 12:55
99% of men have no clue that the cup size number shows band size measurement and not bust size measurement, so they often correct it or insert info incorrectly for either the bust size(alongside waist and hips),but more often for the band size and thus cup size.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Laurine (Model)2025-03-05 12:55
you clearly haven't seen many women on here then, tens of thousands of women on this site with at least the same level of breasts or better,in both shape and size.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Marria Leeah2025-03-05 12:32
a bush is very itchy and uncomfortable for women,and for hygiene, so of course women shave that all off nowadays,women of all ages,as long as they are mobile enough. The hair also smells a lot,even if you wash it prior to sex,and no man will tolerate that when going down on a woman these days. Stinky pee stench times are over, ended in the late 80s
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Susie Scott Krabacher2025-03-03 21:42 (edited 2025-03-03 21:43)
Not quite. She was 18, photoshoot in September 1982, she turned 19 only in November. The issue itself came out on April 1st 1983(it always came on sale a month before the specified month of the issue). Also, why are you literally describing things we see in the photos. We ain't blind,dude. And if we were, we wouldn't be able to read your text anyway. Such a useless comment,stating the obvious. So you admit to only liking teens and not grown women in their 30s. wow
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Susie Scott Krabacher2025-03-03 21:39 (edited 2025-03-03 21:41)
she was barely 17 during the photoshoot....
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Gina Goldberg2025-03-03 21:05
Photoshoot in summer 1986, closer to 19 than 18. She was 18,not 17. Issue came out when she was 19.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Marina Baker2025-02-28 09:28
photo must be full body image, not half body cut out. Current one fits.
Posted by EternalFreedomDharma on Charlotte Kemp2025-02-28 09:23