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The model on this page is fake.

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Olivia Casta

aka Olivia Cláudia Motta Casta More info on her aliases

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Olivia Cláudia Motta Casta
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Current rank: #11096 Ranking Graph
She was the #1 for 14 days
1033 have favorited her

About Olivia Casta

Olivia Casta is a fake model. Behind her is Russian model Maria Tretjakova, using a filter similar to FaceApp's teen filter to make her appear much younger and change her facial appearance. Maria used to be active on OnlyFans and Instagram but is now only active as "Olivia Casta.".

Olivia Casta Performances

Solo: Nudity (Topless Only)

Olivia Casta Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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Can the real O.C. please stand up?

Posted by admstge-99 2025-03-08 08:39  🛈  

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I only wish that she would materialize live more often on social media. Like, so we can all see, is it live or REMERX?

Posted by admstge-99 2025-03-14 07:28  🛈  

Olivia is one of the most dedicated and hardworking creators, putting in an enormous amount of effort every single day. Honestly, I don’t understand why she faces such biased treatment on this site. The internet has changed drastically, and nowadays, the top spots in adult rankings are taken by animated characters rather than real people. That’s why it’s especially disheartening to witness such unfairness toward Olivia here. It seems more like a personal grudge than objective criticism.

Posted by Romariostephan 2025-03-08 06:52  🛈  

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It's not a real person

Posted by LeLoyon71 2025-03-08 07:23  🛈  

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What does that even mean? There’s still a real person behind this “character,” so why should it matter? Does that somehow diminish the effort she puts in or take away from her accomplishments? I don’t think so.

To me, she’s no different from any other influencer, so I genuinely don’t understand the unfair judgment.

Posted by Romariostephan 2025-03-08 07:30  🛈  

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Grab a pen or pencil, a piece of paper, and draw something on it. That is as real as this woman is. It's someone's creation, and it's likely a dude.

Posted by LeLoyon71 2025-03-08 07:35  🛈  

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Let me ask you this...

Should Marge Simpson or Jessica Rabbit have a page?

Posted by LeLoyon71 2025-03-08 07:42  🛈  

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Her body is entirely real, and so are the interiors. She is a real person. The fact that she only uses filters on her face — how is that any different from other models who do the same or even edit their faces more heavily in Photoshop?

Go ahead, answer me.

You’re blowing this out of proportion and being incredibly biased against her. It sounds absurd.

Posted by Romariostephan 2025-03-08 07:46  🛈  

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The body is completely CGI. I'm sorry that you've been duped, but this isn't a simple case of photoshopping a face onto someone. Why do you think there's no information anywhere on this model? Why are there several pages saying the same thing I am?

Posted by LeLoyon71 2025-03-08 07:54  🛈  

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Are you kidding me? Even on this very page, there’s a link to the real woman behind this model.

She is a completely real person who simply uses a filter on her face — nothing more.

Posted by Romariostephan 2025-03-08 07:57  🛈  

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No, I'm not kidding you. We had a long discussion on this particular model several months ago, and we all found that she's completely fake. Whoever makes her is obviously very good at what they do, but it's not based on any actual person.

Posted by LeLoyon71 2025-03-08 08:58  🛈  

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That’s absolute nonsense. Whoever told you this has no idea what they’re talking about. This isn’t even remotely CGI, and it’s painfully obvious — technology at that level simply doesn’t exist. Even Hollywood struggles to create truly lifelike CGI models for films, and yet you think someone has managed to generate nearly five thousand high-quality photos and hundreds of videos? If this were CGI, it would never be financially feasible.

Besides, I’ve been following her since her OnlyFans days. And when she was in Thailand, I even recognized the hotel she stayed at because I had stayed there myself. She is a completely real, living person.

So save your nonsense for someone gullible enough to believe it.

Posted by Romariostephan 2025-03-08 09:14 (edited 2025-03-08 09:17)  🛈  

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We looked into that as well. Yes, that's a real person, but it's actually a model from a village located outside of the Russian city of Perm that was born in 1991... I forget the name. She has a similar body, and like the photos, they're doing something with the face.

Posted by LeLoyon71 2025-03-10 02:39  🛈  

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You can't translate to a fool. He will continue to fap into this fake 😁

Posted by Ruskij 2025-03-11 22:12  🛈  

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Paying for anyone's OnlyFans is bad enough... It's just a way for grifter is to manipulate desperate men... But yeah, you're probably right.

Posted by LeLoyon71 2025-03-12 04:20  🛈  

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Now everything makes sense — the problem isn’t the model, it’s jealousy.

Posted by Romariostephan 2025-03-13 09:43  🛈  

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Ok... now I'm starting to think that you're just messing around. Good one though.. I definitely didn't catch it at first.

Posted by LeLoyon71 2025-03-13 19:17  🛈  

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What are you talking about? He was literally making up nonsense. Everything you see online about models’ photos and videos is fake — retouching and flattering angles. Just take a look at your favorites, and you’ll see that, for you, it doesn’t really matter what you jerk off to.

Posted by Romariostephan 2025-03-13 09:48  🛈