Babes born in the year 1950

116 profiles available

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Cynthia MyersCynthia Myers
Passed away at the age of 61 on November 4, 2011
Janet LupoJanet Lupo
Passed away at the age of 67 on November 13, 2017
Barbi BentonBarbi Benton
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 28th of January
Victoria PrincipalVictoria Principal
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 3rd of January
Morgan FairchildMorgan Fairchild
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 3rd of February
Linda ForsytheLinda Forsythe
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 14th of May
Cathy RowlandCathy Rowland
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 11th of March
Markie PostMarkie Post
Passed away at the age of 70 on August 7, 2021
Laura GemserLaura Gemser
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 5th of October
Britt LindbergBritt Lindberg
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 6th of December
Christine MaddoxChristine Maddox
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 24th of March
Erin GrayErin Gray
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 7th of January
Ann PenningtonAnn Pennington
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 3rd of June
Cheri BombCheri Bomb
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 25th of February
Susan AntonSusan Anton
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 12th of October
Cyndi WoodCyndi Wood
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 25th of September
Rita DanielsRita Daniels
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 22nd of June
Avril LundAvril Lund
Passed away at the age of 63 on September 18, 2013
Honey WilderHoney Wilder
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 26th of November
Corinne CleryCorinne Clery
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 23rd of March
Cybill ShepherdCybill Shepherd
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 18th of February
Alexis Love (Score)Alexis Love (Score)
Passed away at the age of 66 on October 13, 2016
Pamela HensleyPamela Hensley
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 3rd of October
Ewa AulinEwa Aulin
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 13th of February
Anulka DziubinskaAnulka Dziubinska
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 14th of December
Linda SummersLinda Summers
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 20th of November
Susan GeorgeSusan George
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 26th of July
Mercy RooneyMercy Rooney
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 21st of June
Kristina WaybornKristina Wayborn
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 24th of September
Nancy AllenNancy Allen
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 24th of June
Lorna HopperLorna Hopper
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 31st of August
Vicki PetersVicki Peters
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 9th of September
Jean MansonJean Manson
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 1st of October
Agnetha FaltskogAgnetha Faltskog
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 5th of April
Vikki VaughnVikki Vaughn
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 21st of April
Rene BondRene Bond
Passed away at the age of 45 on June 2, 1996
Wendie MalickWendie Malick
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 13th of December
Deanna BentleyDeanna Bentley
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 11th of September
Alda D’EusanioAlda D’Eusanio
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 14th of October
Adrienne PollackAdrienne Pollack
Passed away at the age of 23 on September 6, 1973
Ajita WilsonAjita Wilson
Passed away at the age of 37 on May 26, 1987
Alice (40 Plus Milfs)Alice (40 Plus Milfs)
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 12th of March
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 2nd of October
Ann JillianAnn Jillian
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 29th of January
Ann WilsonAnn Wilson
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 19th of June
Anna JantarAnna Jantar
Passed away at the age of 29 on March 14, 1980
Anne ZamberlanAnne Zamberlan
Passed away at the age of 48 on April 16, 1999
Barbara CapellBarbara Capell
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 23rd of January
Candida RoyalleCandida Royalle
Passed away at the age of 64 on September 7, 2015
Christina OnassisChristina Onassis
Passed away at the age of 37 on November 19, 1988
Christine LahtiChristine Lahti
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 4th of April
Claudia RivelliClaudia Rivelli
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 16th of June
Constanze EngelbrechtConstanze Engelbrecht
Passed away at the age of 50 on July 21, 2000
Cristina GalboCristina Galbo
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 17th of January
Darlene KoldenhovenDarlene Koldenhoven
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 9th of October
Debbie AllenDebbie Allen
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 16th of January
Dominique DarelDominique Darel
Passed away at the age of 28 on June 4, 1978
Evelyne TraegerEvelyne Traeger
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 18th of February
Gaby FuchsGaby Fuchs
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 1st of January
Gennifer FlowersGennifer Flowers
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 24th of January
Gerri ReevesGerri Reeves
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 1st of August
Iris BerbenIris Berben
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 12th of August
Jayne Marie MansfieldJayne Marie Mansfield
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 8th of November
Jeannie LouJeannie Lou
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 12th of April
Jill MonroeJill Monroe
Passed away at the age of 32 on August 10, 1982
Jill SteinJill Stein
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 14th of May
Jinx DawsonJinx Dawson
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 13th of January
Joanna JungJoanna Jung
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 19th of March
Josiane TanzilliJosiane Tanzilli
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 28th of November
Julie KavnerJulie Kavner
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 7th of September
Karen CarpenterKaren Carpenter
Passed away at the age of 32 on February 4, 1983
Kathryn HarroldKathryn Harrold
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 2nd of August
Loredana BerteLoredana Berte
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 20th of September
Loretta GoggiLoretta Goggi
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 29th of September
Lynette AsquithLynette Asquith
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 5th of June
Lynx CanonLynx Canon
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 3rd of March
Malisa LongoMalisa Longo
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 13th of July
Mara VenierMara Venier
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 20th of October
Mari AtsumiMari Atsumi
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 20th of November
Marie LiljedahlMarie Liljedahl
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 15th of February
Marina OcchienaMarina Occhiena
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 19th of March
Mary HartMary Hart
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 8th of November
Mary HopkinMary Hopkin
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 3rd of May
Mary TammMary Tamm
Passed away at the age of 62 on July 26, 2012
May PangMay Pang
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 24th of October
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 22nd of February
Monika NeumannMonika Neumann
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 29th of April
Monika RohdeMonika Rohde
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 12th of May
Nil GoncuNil Goncu
Passed away at the age of 19 on September 3, 1969
Pamela Franklin (Actress)Pamela Franklin (Actress)
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 3rd of February
Pamela StanfordPamela Stanford
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 30th of October
Pat ClevelandPat Cleveland
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 23rd of June
Patrizia WebleyPatrizia Webley
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 1st of December
Pia GiancaroPia Giancaro
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 12th of March
PJ SolesPJ Soles
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 17th of July
Prunella GeePrunella Gee
Celebrated her 75th birthday on 17th of February
Puppa ArmbrusterPuppa Armbruster
Passed away at the age of 62 on June 22, 2013
Re StylesRe Styles
Passed away at the age of 72 on April 17, 2022
Rena BergenRena Bergen
Passed away at the age of 44 on January 1, 1994
Sabina CiuffiniSabina Ciuffini
Celebrating her 75th birthday on 4th of August

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