Babes born in the year 1961

255 profiles available

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Joanne LathamJoanne Latham
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 21st of March
Karen WitterKaren Witter
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 13th of December
Karen VelezKaren Velez
Passed away at the age of 62 on July 2, 2023
Nastassja KinskiNastassja Kinski
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 24th of January
Ursula BuchfellnerUrsula Buchfellner
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 8th of June
Heather LocklearHeather Locklear
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 25th of September
Tahnee WelchTahnee Welch
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 26th of December
Charlotte KempCharlotte Kemp
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 27th of January
Carey LowellCarey Lowell
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 11th of February
Jacqueline LoriansJacqueline Lorians
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 4th of February
Peggy McIntaggartPeggy McIntaggart
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 6th of September
Moana PozziMoana Pozzi
Passed away at the age of 33 on September 15, 1994
Debbie JordanDebbie Jordan
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 12th of February
Tawny KitaenTawny Kitaen
Passed away at the age of 59 on May 7, 2021
Kelly ToughKelly Tough
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 16th of December
Bonnie MarinoBonnie Marino
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 20th of December
Laura San GiacomoLaura San Giacomo
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 14th of November
Nancy TravisNancy Travis
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 21st of September
Luann LeeLuann Lee
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 28th of January
Penny PorschePenny Porsche
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 21st of August
Frances VoyFrances Voy
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 4th of June
Teri CopleyTeri Copley
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 10th of May
Virginia MadsenVirginia Madsen
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 11th of September
Liz StewartLiz Stewart
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 3rd of July
Nia PeeplesNia Peeples
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 10th of December
Lynne AustinLynne Austin
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 15th of April
Crystal BernardCrystal Bernard
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 30th of September
Laurie L'OrangerLaurie L'Oranger
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 30th of January
Rowan MooreRowan Moore
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 23rd of December
Venice KongVenice Kong
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 17th of December
Jane WarnerJane Warner
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 1st of July
Lea ThompsonLea Thompson
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 31st of May
Brenda HollidayBrenda Holliday
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 25th of April
Julia Louis-DreyfusJulia Louis-Dreyfus
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 13th of January
Jane LeevesJane Leeves
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 18th of April
Michelles NylonsMichelles Nylons
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 1st of April
Roxy RoyceRoxy Royce
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 1st of July
Diana LeeDiana Lee
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 11th of May
Janet JonesJanet Jones
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 10th of January
Diana SpencerDiana Spencer
Passed away at the age of 36 on August 31, 1997
Kat KleevageKat Kleevage
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 26th of September
Sally LaydSally Layd
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 22nd of October
Debbie LindenDebbie Linden
Passed away at the age of 36 on October 6, 1997
Ophelia VixxxenOphelia Vixxxen
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 15th of August
Mariel HemingwayMariel Hemingway
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 22nd of November
Terri NunnTerri Nunn
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 26th of June
Christina DelaniChristina Delani
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 12th of July
Cody CarmackCody Carmack
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 28th of July
Elizabeth GracenElizabeth Gracen
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 3rd of April
Meg RyanMeg Ryan
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 19th of November
Selena SteeleSelena Steele
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 17th of January
Peri GilpinPeri Gilpin
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 27th of January
Jennifer CoolidgeJennifer Coolidge
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 1st of June
Tawny PeaksTawny Peaks
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 10th of May
Sammie SparksSammie Sparks
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 17th of November
Deena DuosDeena Duos
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 29th of October
Cara LottCara Lott
Passed away at the age of 56 on March 19, 2018
Lynn LemayLynn Lemay
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 17th of December
Catherine OxenbergCatherine Oxenberg
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 22nd of September
Candy JaneCandy Jane
Passed away at the age of 54 on May 6, 2016
Summer KnightSummer Knight
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 26th of February
Mylène FarmerMylène Farmer
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 12th of September
Katherine Kelly LangKatherine Kelly Lang
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 25th of July
Mauvais DenoirMauvais Denoir
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 20th of May
Orla BradyOrla Brady
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 28th of March
Lisa MorettiLisa Moretti
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 26th of November
Carol SmillieCarol Smillie
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 23rd of December
Europe DiChanEurope DiChan
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 5th of January
Kayla KupcakesKayla Kupcakes
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 29th of April
Milva PerinoniMilva Perinoni
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 7th of September
Suzi SchottSuzi Schott
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 19th of July
Alexandra RossAlexandra Ross
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 6th of May
Kari FoxxKari Foxx
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 31st of October
Toppsy CurveyToppsy Curvey
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 9th of December
Gabrielle CarterisGabrielle Carteris
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 2nd of January
Summer SkyesSummer Skyes
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 30th of July
Ami CharmsAmi Charms
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 4th of April
Angela D'AngeloAngela D'Angelo
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 19th of March
Zena ReyZena Rey
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 27th of August
Busty HeartBusty Heart
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 9th of May
Renee BlackRenee Black
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 25th of September
Adrienne MaloofAdrienne Maloof
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 4th of September
Alba PariettiAlba Parietti
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 2nd of July
Ann CoulterAnn Coulter
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 8th of December
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 20th of August
Agneta KellermannAgneta Kellermann
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 12th of March
Alexa ParksAlexa Parks
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 12th of April
Alice De CarliAlice De Carli
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 27th of March
Ally WalkerAlly Walker
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 25th of August
Amanda CassAmanda Cass
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 13th of September
Amber ConnorsAmber Connors
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 8th of December
Ami RodgersAmi Rodgers
Celebrated her 64th birthday on 1st of February
Amy SedarisAmy Sedaris
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 29th of March
Anna ZoliAnna Zoli
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 16th of September
Antonella InterlenghiAntonella Interlenghi
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 6th of August
Ariana BaliAriana Bali
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 12th of October
Ashlie RheyAshlie Rhey
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 17th of August
Atsuko AsanoAtsuko Asano
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 4th of March
Ayshe TraffordAyshe Trafford
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 1st of April
Bettine VriesekoopBettine Vriesekoop
Celebrating her 64th birthday on 13th of August

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