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Carrie Walters

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About Carrie Walters

Carrie Walters is a amateur from Illinois who posed for 50 Plus Milfs, 40 Something Mag, and Naughty Mag, then retired.

She's a wife and a mom. She lives in a small town in Illinois. When we asked her what gets her off sexually, she blushed and said, "A cock inside of me until we both cum," and when we asked her what she wants to do that she hasn't done yet, she said, "Renovate an historical house." Get the picture? Carrie Walters, who's 51 years old, is not a wild woman. She's the woman who lives next door, the woman who you would never expect to see in 40 Something Mag. And yet, here she is, having the time of her life. "I was nervous as could be when I came to the studio," she said. "I didn't know what to expect, but I'm having the time of my life!" Right now, in the city or small town where you live, real women like Carrie are walking around. They're shopping. Doing chores. Going to the library or the post office.

Carrie Walters Performances

Boy/girl: Vaginal

Carrie Walters Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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