Babes born in the year 1944

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Melinda WindsorMelinda Windsor
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 25th of June
Barbara BouchetBarbara Bouchet
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 15th of August
Jacqueline BissetJacqueline Bisset
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 13th of September
Anne RandallAnne Randall
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 23rd of September
Kay ParkerKay Parker
Passed away at the age of 78 on October 14, 2022
Susan DenbergSusan Denberg
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 2nd of August
Joey HeathertonJoey Heatherton
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 14th of September
Avis KimbleAvis Kimble
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 18th of October
Angela DorianAngela Dorian
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 26th of September
Dolly ReadDolly Read
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 13th of September
Teri GarrTeri Garr
Passed away at the age of 79 on October 29, 2024
Karin SchubertKarin Schubert
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 26th of November
Terri KimballTerri Kimball
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 5th of October
Marina HedmanMarina Hedman
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 29th of September
Gabrielle DrakeGabrielle Drake
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 15th of March
Georgette ParksGeorgette Parks
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 21st of October
Sondra LockeSondra Locke
Passed away at the age of 74 on November 3, 2018
Paige YoungPaige Young
Passed away at the age of 30 on April 7, 1974
Judi MontereyJudi Monterey
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 12th of January
Jean BellJean Bell
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 23rd of November
Lisa BakerLisa Baker
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 19th of March
Lori WinstonLori Winston
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 24th of August
Terre TuckerTerre Tucker
Passed away at the age of 46 on December 16, 1990
Melodye PrentissMelodye Prentiss
Passed away at the age of 64 on March 3, 2009
Susie SparksSusie Sparks
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 1st of April
Toni Ann ThomasToni Ann Thomas
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 15th of April
Meredith MacRaeMeredith MacRae
Passed away at the age of 56 on July 14, 2000
Diana RossDiana Ross
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 26th of March
Gunilla HuttonGunilla Hutton
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 15th of May
Angela DinizAngela Diniz
Passed away at the age of 32 on December 30, 1976
Angelica OttAngelica Ott
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 14th of June
Anne WiazemskyAnne Wiazemsky
Passed away at the age of 73 on October 5, 2017
Barbara RoufsBarbara Roufs
Passed away at the age of 47 on January 15, 1991
Bonnie FranklinBonnie Franklin
Passed away at the age of 69 on March 1, 2013
Candy DarlingCandy Darling
Passed away at the age of 29 on March 21, 1974
Carmen VillaniCarmen Villani
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 21st of May
Catherine SchellCatherine Schell
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 17th of July
Celeste YarnallCeleste Yarnall
Passed away at the age of 74 on October 7, 2018
Christiane RuckerChristiane Rucker
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 12th of June
Christine ChubbuckChristine Chubbuck
Passed away at the age of 29 on July 15, 1974
Christine SchuberthChristine Schuberth
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 11th of February
Claudia MoriClaudia Mori
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 12th of February
Cox HabbemaCox Habbema
Passed away at the age of 72 on April 18, 2016
Diana KornerDiana Korner
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 24th of September
Elaine GalloElaine Gallo
Passed away at the age of 76 on September 13, 2020
Eva RenziEva Renzi
Passed away at the age of 60 on August 16, 2005
Faith BrownFaith Brown
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 28th of May
Fannie FlaggFannie Flagg
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 21st of September
Feri CanselFeri Cansel
Passed away at the age of 39 on September 2, 1983
Francoise HardyFrancoise Hardy
Passed away at the age of 80 on June 11, 2024
Gale BensonGale Benson
Passed away at the age of 27 on January 2, 1972
Genevieve GradGenevieve Grad
Passed away at the age of 80 on November 7, 2024
Gila Von WeitershausenGila Von Weitershausen
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 21st of March
Ingrid SimonIngrid Simon
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 29th of March
Irene TsuIrene Tsu
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 4th of November
Jill ClayburghJill Clayburgh
Passed away at the age of 66 on November 5, 2010
Julia Callan-ThompsonJulia Callan-Thompson
Passed away at the age of 35 on December 2, 1979
Karen JensenKaren Jensen
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 18th of August
Kelly BurkeKelly Burke
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 31st of December
La Tigrese Del OrienteLa Tigrese Del Oriente
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 22nd of November
Laura TroschelLaura Troschel
Passed away at the age of 71 on September 29, 2016
Lillian ParkerLillian Parker
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 5th of March
Linda HenningLinda Henning
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 16th of September
Luciana GilliLuciana Gilli
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 11th of November
Lynda Day GeorgeLynda Day George
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 11th of December
Magdalena ZawadzkaMagdalena Zawadzka
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 29th of October
Maria Pia ConteMaria Pia Conte
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 10th of March
Marie-France PisierMarie-France Pisier
Passed away at the age of 66 on April 24, 2011
Marlene AppeltMarlene Appelt
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 28th of August
Martine BrochardMartine Brochard
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 2nd of April
Melitta TegelerMelitta Tegeler
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 11th of January
Michelle PhillipsMichelle Phillips
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 4th of June
Mickey JinesMickey Jines
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 2nd of May
Nebahat CehreNebahat Cehre
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 15th of March
Nell TheobaldNell Theobald
Passed away at the age of 32 on August 20, 1977
Nicoletta MachiavelliNicoletta Machiavelli
Passed away at the age of 71 on November 15, 2015
Olga AntonettiOlga Antonetti
Passed away at the age of 24 on December 12, 1968
Olga BiseraOlga Bisera
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 26th of May
Pamela BellwoodPamela Bellwood
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 26th of June
Pamela SalemPamela Salem
Passed away at the age of 80 on February 21, 2024
Paola QuattriniPaola Quattrini
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 9th of March
Pat WoodellPat Woodell
Passed away at the age of 72 on September 29, 2016
Pattie BoydPattie Boyd
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 17th of March
Quentin DeanQuentin Dean
Passed away at the age of 58 on May 8, 2003
Rita HovinkRita Hovink
Passed away at the age of 35 on September 7, 1979
Roberta CollinsRoberta Collins
Passed away at the age of 63 on August 16, 2008
Robyn HiltonRobyn Hilton
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 13th of July
Sivi AbergSivi Aberg
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 7th of May
Stockard ChanningStockard Channing
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 13th of February
Sue CostinSue Costin
Passed away at the age of 26 on April 5, 1971
Tanja GruberTanja Gruber
Celebrated her 81st birthday on 1st of January
Tina LawtonTina Lawton
Passed away at the age of 24 on December 24, 1968
Tisha SterlingTisha Sterling
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 10th of December
Veronica CliffordVeronica Clifford
Celebrating her 81st birthday on 20th of October
Yvonne D'AngersYvonne D'Angers
Passed away at the age of 64 on June 10, 2009
Zuhal TanZuhal Tan
Passed away at the age of 22 on May 26, 1966

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