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La Tigrese Del Oriente

aka Juana Judith Bustos Ahuite

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About La Tigrese Del Oriente

Birth Name: Juana Judith Bustos Ahuite.
La Tigresa's stage act evokes strong reactions from the general public in Latin America. Critics denounce her stage act as campy (at best) or kitsch (at worst) and make fun of her appearance and lack of formal vocal training. The comments left about her imply, according to columnist Rafael Robles from the Peruvian newspaper La República, that she reached this level due to a social joke more than talent. In either case, her public appeal has extended beyond Peru.
It has also generated controversy for statements that she has given, which says that the singer Lady Gaga has copied his style of animal print, in the video for the singer, entitled "Telephone" (a duet with Beyoncé) and other details Judith has been revealed in various interviews. This brought comments from fans and part of la Tigresa y Gaga and East.

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