Babes born in the year 1981

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Jessica AlbaJessica Alba
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 28th of April
Erica CampbellErica Campbell
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 12th of May
Adriana LimaAdriana Lima
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 12th of June
Marketa JanskaMarketa Janska
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 24th of May
Hillary FisherHillary Fisher
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 5th of March
Caylian CurtisCaylian Curtis
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 12th of August
Vica KerekesVica Kerekes
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 28th of March
Alessandra AmbrosioAlessandra Ambrosio
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 11th of April
Irene HoekIrene Hoek
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 9th of October
Lindsey VuoloLindsey Vuolo
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 19th of October
Jelena JensenJelena Jensen
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 7th of October
Zsuzsanna RipliZsuzsanna Ripli
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 17th of April
Brenda LynnBrenda Lynn
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 9th of November
Nikkala StottNikkala Stott
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 16th of December
Natalie PortmanNatalie Portman
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 9th of June
Holly HendersonHolly Henderson
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 21st of November
Heather VandevenHeather Vandeven
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 6th of September
Sunny LeoneSunny Leone
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 13th of May
Casey LuckeyCasey Luckey
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 7th of November
Amber CampisiAmber Campisi
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 21st of June
Summer GlauSummer Glau
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 24th of July
Ida LjungqvistIda Ljungqvist
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 27th of September
Dylan RyderDylan Ryder
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 23rd of February
Renata DaninskyRenata Daninsky
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 17th of September
Bodi SylviBodi Sylvi
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 11th of April
Molly CavalliMolly Cavalli
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 12th of November
Lisa AnneLisa Anne
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 28th of February
Jessica JoyJessica Joy
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 18th of September
Monica SweetheartMonica Sweetheart
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 23rd of June
Holly HotwifeHolly Hotwife
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 14th of October
Lesley-Ann BrandtLesley-Ann Brandt
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 2nd of December
Teri HarrisonTeri Harrison
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 16th of February
Cory ChaseCory Chase
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 25th of February
Juliana VegaJuliana Vega
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 5th of July
Julri WatersJulri Waters
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 1st of September
Elena SantarelliElena Santarelli
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 18th of August
Tanya RobinsonTanya Robinson
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 29th of April
Lanny BarbieLanny Barbie
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 29th of August
Eriana BlancoEriana Blanco
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 24th of July
Wendy DubbeldWendy Dubbeld
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 1st of August
Nicky WhelanNicky Whelan
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 10th of June
Sarah ScotfordSarah Scotford
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 26th of June
Scottie ThompsonScottie Thompson
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 9th of November
Avy ScottAvy Scott
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 2nd of November
Tiffany SelbyTiffany Selby
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 14th of November
Natalie Marie (Playboy)Natalie Marie (Playboy)
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 15th of May
Alex Sim-WiseAlex Sim-Wise
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 11th of November
Elodie YungElodie Yung
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 22nd of February
Stephanie RhodesStephanie Rhodes
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 16th of November
Vanessa RayVanessa Ray
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 24th of June
Juliana SaldarriagaJuliana Saldarriaga
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 12th of June
Crystal LoweCrystal Lowe
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 20th of January
Dana A (Metart)Dana A (Metart)
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 1st of January
Monica LeighMonica Leigh
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 19th of December
Malgorzata GlaserMalgorzata Glaser
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 2nd of September
Jurgita TvarishJurgita Tvarish
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 1st of January
Miss Tina LouiseMiss Tina Louise
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 23rd of May
Chasty BallesterosChasty Ballesteros
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 3rd of January
Juliette MenkeJuliette Menke
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 24th of June
Mirjam WeichselbraunMirjam Weichselbraun
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 27th of September
Aimee ChuhaloffAimee Chuhaloff
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 11th of August
Nikki OsborneNikki Osborne
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 19th of July
Toccara JonesToccara Jones
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 13th of March
Koa-Marie TurnerKoa-Marie Turner
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 10th of November
Pricylla PedrosaPricylla Pedrosa
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 6th of October
Jessica MicariJessica Micari
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 25th of September
Sarah O'NealSarah O'Neal
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 29th of November
Heidi CortezHeidi Cortez
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 11th of March
Laura Bell BundyLaura Bell Bundy
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 10th of April
Jackeline ArroyoJackeline Arroyo
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 22nd of June
Clara MorganeClara Morgane
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 25th of January
Kristin Vye CardenasKristin Vye Cardenas
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 11th of April
Lucia TovarLucia Tovar
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 13th of December
Jamie WestenhiserJamie Westenhiser
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 2nd of November
Eva ColliniEva Collini
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 14th of October
Jamie LynnJamie Lynn
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 25th of February
Avery AdamsAvery Adams
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 2nd of September
Niki BlondeNiki Blonde
Passed away at the age of 42 on July 16, 2023
Bryce Dallas HowardBryce Dallas Howard
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 2nd of March
Alison WaiteAlison Waite
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 10th of November
Alexa MayAlexa May
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 28th of December
Dawn OlivieriDawn Olivieri
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 8th of February
Mariqueen Maandig ReznorMariqueen Maandig Reznor
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 5th of April
Bethany Joy LenzBethany Joy Lenz
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 2nd of April
Jacqui AinsleyJacqui Ainsley
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 28th of November
Azusa YamamotoAzusa Yamamoto
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 24th of April
Rachel BilsonRachel Bilson
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 25th of August
Natasha DedovNatasha Dedov
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 1st of December
Roxy CarterRoxy Carter
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 5th of April
Priscilla SolPriscilla Sol
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 13th of January
Nikki KyleNikki Kyle
Passed away at the age of 37 on October 8, 2018
Agnieszka HendelAgnieszka Hendel
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 5th of December
Sofia El MarikhSofia El Marikh
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 15th of October
Pamela DiazPamela Diaz
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 26th of February
Gia FelinoGia Felino
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 11th of November
Brigitta PhotodrommBrigitta Photodromm
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 29th of September
Eriko SatoEriko Sato
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 19th of December
Tancy MarieTancy Marie
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 20th of January
Zoe McConnellZoe McConnell
Celebrating her 44th birthday on 30th of November
Adree DesantiAdree Desanti
Celebrated her 44th birthday on 27th of March

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