Babes born in the year 1947

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Farrah FawcettFarrah Fawcett
Passed away at the age of 62 on June 25, 2009
Miki GarciaMiki Garcia
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 17th of February
Erica GavinErica Gavin
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 22nd of July
Cheryl TiegsCheryl Tiegs
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 25th of September
Leslie BianchiniLeslie Bianchini
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 12th of February
Sybil DanningSybil Danning
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 24th of May
Lee MeredithLee Meredith
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 22nd of October
DeDe LindDeDe Lind
Passed away at the age of 72 on February 4, 2020
Reagan WilsonReagan Wilson
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 6th of March
Kelly McQueenKelly McQueen
Passed away at the age of 50 on August 6, 1997
Nancy McNeilNancy McNeil
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 13th of December
Katherine ManneringKatherine Mannering
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 18th of November
Shelley HackShelley Hack
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 6th of July
Janis SchmittJanis Schmitt
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 14th of March
Susan MillerSusan Miller
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 22nd of March
Majken HaugedalMajken Haugedal
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 26th of March
Morganna CottrellMorganna Cottrell
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 4th of July
Christine DavrayChristine Davray
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 1st of January
Chris KorenChris Koren
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 8th of August
Brenda VenusBrenda Venus
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 10th of November
Nika MovenkaNika Movenka
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 15th of February
Gale OlsonGale Olson
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 27th of October
Ingrid StegerIngrid Steger
Passed away at the age of 76 on December 22, 2023
Lieko EnglishLieko English
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 3rd of June
Surrey MarsheSurrey Marshe
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 11th of November
Lacey LegendsLacey Legends
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 19th of November
Lynn WinchellLynn Winchell
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 4th of May
Heather RyanHeather Ryan
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 18th of March
Glenn CloseGlenn Close
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 19th of March
Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 26th of October
Andrea FerreolAndrea Ferreol
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 6th of January
Andrea MartinAndrea Martin
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 15th of January
Andrea RauAndrea Rau
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 31st of October
Anny DupereyAnny Duperey
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 28th of June
Bethany JamesBethany James
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 28th of August
Bonnie Dee WilsonBonnie Dee Wilson
Passed away at the age of 54 on October 8, 2001
Camille KeatonCamille Keaton
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 20th of July
Candy MooreCandy Moore
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 26th of August
Cathy BakerCathy Baker
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 21st of January
Charlie LatourCharlie Latour
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 19th of February
Christa BauchChrista Bauch
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 19th of December
Cindy WilliamsCindy Williams
Passed away at the age of 75 on January 25, 2023
Corinne LahayeCorinne Lahaye
Passed away at the age of 72 on February 16, 2020
Daniela GiordanoDaniela Giordano
Passed away at the age of 75 on December 16, 2022
Deidre HallDeidre Hall
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 31st of October
Domini BlytheDomini Blythe
Passed away at the age of 63 on December 15, 2010
Donna MarloweDonna Marlowe
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 1st of January
Dorothy LymanDorothy Lyman
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 18th of April
Ellen GurinEllen Gurin
Passed away at the age of 24 on June 5, 1972
Emmylou HarrisEmmylou Harris
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 2nd of April
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 11th of September
Ini AssmannIni Assmann
Passed away at the age of 68 on December 6, 2015
Jacki WeaverJacki Weaver
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 25th of May
Jana SvandovaJana Svandova
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 3rd of July
Jane CurtinJane Curtin
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 6th of September
Jerney KaagmanJerney Kaagman
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 9th of July
Jessica SavitchJessica Savitch
Passed away at the age of 36 on October 23, 1983
Judy TylerJudy Tyler
Passed away at the age of 65 on June 18, 2013
Julie CobbJulie Cobb
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 29th of May
Karen ValentineKaren Valentine
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 25th of May
Katherine WalshKatherine Walsh
Passed away at the age of 23 on October 7, 1970
Katia TchenkoKatia Tchenko
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 8th of May
Lane WeldonLane Weldon
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 19th of November
Laurie AndersonLaurie Anderson
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 5th of June
Lee PurcellLee Purcell
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 15th of June
Lexi McCainLexi McCain
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 10th of March
Li ToblerLi Tobler
Passed away at the age of 27 on May 19, 1975
Lois ChilesLois Chiles
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 15th of April
Lotta NolettyLotta Noletty
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 2nd of January
Lynn LowryLynn Lowry
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 15th of October
Malgorzata BraunekMalgorzata Braunek
Passed away at the age of 67 on June 23, 2014
Malgorzata NiemirskaMalgorzata Niemirska
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 16th of June
Marisa BerensonMarisa Berenson
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 15th of February
Mariska VeresMariska Veres
Passed away at the age of 59 on December 2, 2006
Meiko KajiMeiko Kaji
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 24th of March
Melanie Ann SafkaMelanie Ann Safka
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 3rd of February
Meredith BaxterMeredith Baxter
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 21st of June
Minnie RipertonMinnie Riperton
Passed away at the age of 31 on July 12, 1979
Natalya VarleyNatalya Varley
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 22nd of June
Paula DeenPaula Deen
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 19th of January
Queen CamillaQueen Camilla
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 17th of July
Raven De La CroixRaven De La Croix
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 24th of August
Sally StruthersSally Struthers
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 28th of July
Sandy DennySandy Denny
Passed away at the age of 31 on April 21, 1978
Shakira CaineShakira Caine
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 23rd of February
Shari EubankShari Eubank
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 12th of June
Stephanie BeachamStephanie Beacham
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 28th of February
Suki PotierSuki Potier
Passed away at the age of 33 on June 23, 1981
Susan LittlerSusan Littler
Passed away at the age of 34 on July 11, 1982
Tamara BaroniTamara Baroni
Passed away at the age of 75 on December 28, 2022
Tamara DobsonTamara Dobson
Passed away at the age of 59 on October 2, 2006
Tiffany BollingTiffany Bolling
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 6th of February
Virginie VignonVirginie Vignon
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 5th of January
Wendy PadburyWendy Padbury
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 7th of December
Zalatnay SaroltaZalatnay Sarolta
Celebrating her 78th birthday on 17th of December
Zoe ZaneZoe Zane
Celebrated her 78th birthday on 27th of January

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