Babes born in the year 1948

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Uschi DigardUschi Digard
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 15th of August
Fran GerardFran Gerard
Passed away at the age of 37 on May 30, 1985
Leslie EasterbrookLeslie Easterbrook
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 29th of July
Jennifer LianoJennifer Liano
Passed away at the age of 76 on October 8, 2024
Carol ImhofCarol Imhof
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 13th of March
Candy EarleCandy Earle
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 22nd of January
Kate JacksonKate Jackson
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 29th of October
Angela AdamsAngela Adams
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 8th of November
Edwige FenechEdwige Fenech
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 24th of December
Bernadette PetersBernadette Peters
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 28th of February
Stevie NicksStevie Nicks
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 26th of May
Olivia Newton-JohnOlivia Newton-John
Passed away at the age of 73 on August 8, 2022
Barbara HersheyBarbara Hershey
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 5th of February
Sharon JohansenSharon Johansen
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 11th of October
Lorrie MenconiLorrie Menconi
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 24th of February
Susan BernardSusan Bernard
Passed away at the age of 71 on June 21, 2019
Azizi JohariAzizi Johari
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 24th of August
Michelle HamiltonMichelle Hamilton
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 20th of December
Debbie HooperDebbie Hooper
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 24th of January
Ruthy RossRuthy Ross
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 22nd of March
Dru HartDru Hart
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 25th of November
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad
Passed away at the age of 74 on September 24, 2022
Margot KidderMargot Kidder
Passed away at the age of 69 on May 13, 2018
Champagne JewellChampagne Jewell
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 27th of August
Lottie GunthartLottie Gunthart
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 23rd of October
Dominique MaureDominique Maure
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 21st of July
Linda MoonLinda Moon
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 24th of September
Deborah SheltonDeborah Shelton
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 21st of November
Donna SummerDonna Summer
Passed away at the age of 63 on May 17, 2012
Patty PlentyPatty Plenty
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 28th of April
Nancy HarwoodNancy Harwood
Passed away at the age of 65 on May 13, 2014
Gloria RootGloria Root
Passed away at the age of 57 on January 8, 2006
Vida FarthingVida Farthing
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 17th of October
Carol O'NealCarol O'Neal
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 18th of August
Ingeborg SorensenIngeborg Sorensen
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 16th of May
Patti ReynoldsPatti Reynolds
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 28th of May
Scarlet AndrewsScarlet Andrews
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 26th of June
Grace JonesGrace Jones
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 19th of May
Abigail ClaytonAbigail Clayton
Passed away at the age of 72 on January 31, 2021
Alia ToukanAlia Toukan
Passed away at the age of 28 on February 9, 1977
Amy Robinson (actress)Amy Robinson (actress)
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 13th of April
Andrea FeldmanAndrea Feldman
Passed away at the age of 24 on August 8, 1972
Anna BergmanAnna Bergman
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 5th of May
Barbara MandrellBarbara Mandrell
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 25th of December
Bibari MaedaBibari Maeda
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 8th of August
Bonnie BedeliaBonnie Bedelia
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 25th of March
Carol PotterCarol Potter
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 21st of May
Christine FrkaChristine Frka
Passed away at the age of 23 on November 5, 1972
Dayle HaddonDayle Haddon
Passed away at the age of 76 on December 27, 2024
Deborah WatlingDeborah Watling
Passed away at the age of 69 on July 21, 2017
Dee WallaceDee Wallace
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 14th of December
Delia BoccardoDelia Boccardo
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 29th of January
Esmeralda SantiagoEsmeralda Santiago
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 17th of May
Evangelina SobredoEvangelina Sobredo
Passed away at the age of 27 on August 2, 1976
Georgia EngelGeorgia Engel
Passed away at the age of 70 on April 12, 2019
Helga AndersHelga Anders
Passed away at the age of 38 on March 30, 1986
Ingrid GreerIngrid Greer
Passed away at the age of 33 on December 19, 1981
Jacqueline JolieJacqueline Jolie
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 27th of October
Jana NovakovaJana Novakova
Passed away at the age of 20 on December 4, 1968
Jennifer O'NeillJennifer O'Neill
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 20th of February
Joanna CameronJoanna Cameron
Passed away at the age of 73 on October 15, 2021
Joanne PriceJoanne Price
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 1st of January
JoBeth WilliamsJoBeth Williams
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 6th of December
Joelle CoeurJoelle Coeur
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 1st of November
Kate PiersonKate Pierson
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 27th of April
Kathy BatesKathy Bates
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 28th of June
Katya WyethKatya Wyeth
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 1st of January
Kawai OkadaKawai Okada
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 19th of October
Lia TanziLia Tanzi
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 3rd of November
Lily NielsenLily Nielsen
Passed away at the age of 29 on January 1, 1977
Linda McMahonLinda McMahon
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 4th of October
Linda SchmidtLinda Schmidt
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 1st of January
Lynsey De PaulLynsey De Paul
Passed away at the age of 66 on October 1, 2014
Marcia StrassmanMarcia Strassman
Passed away at the age of 66 on October 24, 2014
Margaret MarkovMargaret Markov
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 22nd of November
Mariwin RobertsMariwin Roberts
Passed away at the age of 69 on August 4, 2017
Marlene WilloughbyMarlene Willoughby
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 17th of May
Meg FosterMeg Foster
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 10th of May
Michiko KiharaMichiko Kihara
Passed away at the age of 59 on October 18, 2007
Mirta MillerMirta Miller
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 16th of August
Monica SwinnMonica Swinn
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 19th of September
Naomi TaniNaomi Tani
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 20th of October
Nathalie BayeNathalie Baye
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 6th of July
Orchidea De SantisOrchidea De Santis
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 20th of December
Pamela CollinsPamela Collins
Passed away at the age of 25 on September 20, 1974
Pamela Susan ShoopPamela Susan Shoop
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 7th of June
Pat KlousPat Klous
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 19th of October
Patravadi MejudhonPatravadi Mejudhon
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 27th of May
Peggy FlemingPeggy Fleming
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 27th of July
Persis KhambattaPersis Khambatta
Passed away at the age of 49 on August 18, 1998
Phylicia RashadPhylicia Rashad
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 19th of June
Rhea PerlmanRhea Perlman
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 31st of March
Ritsuko AbeRitsuko Abe
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 7th of October
Stefania CasiniStefania Casini
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 4th of September
Susan BlakelySusan Blakely
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 7th of September
Susanne BentonSusanne Benton
Celebrated her 77th birthday on 3rd of February
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 2nd of July
Telma HopkinsTelma Hopkins
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 28th of October
Tina RussellTina Russell
Passed away at the age of 32 on May 18, 1981
Tina SinatraTina Sinatra
Celebrating her 77th birthday on 20th of June

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