Babes born in the year 1936

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Ursula AndressUrsula Andress
Celebrated her 89th birthday on 19th of March
Arlene MartelArlene Martel
Passed away at the age of 78 on August 12, 2014
Colleen FarringtonColleen Farrington
Passed away at the age of 79 on October 12, 2015
Mary Tyler MooreMary Tyler Moore
Passed away at the age of 80 on January 25, 2017
Linne Nanette AhlstrandLinne Nanette Ahlstrand
Passed away at the age of 30 on January 18, 1967
Virna LisiVirna Lisi
Passed away at the age of 78 on December 18, 2014
Dyanne ThorneDyanne Thorne
Passed away at the age of 83 on January 28, 2020
Virginia GordonVirginia Gordon
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 28th of October
Jill IrelandJill Ireland
Passed away at the age of 54 on May 18, 1990
Dawn RichardDawn Richard
Celebrated her 89th birthday on 5th of March
Donna LynnDonna Lynn
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 21st of September
Jonnie NicelyJonnie Nicely
Passed away at the age of 76 on February 6, 2013
Jacquelyn PrescottJacquelyn Prescott
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 30th of September
Gloria WindsorGloria Windsor
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 9th of July
Audrey DastonAudrey Daston
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 25th of April
Agnes LaurentAgnes Laurent
Passed away at the age of 74 on February 16, 2010
Anna GermanAnna German
Passed away at the age of 46 on August 26, 1982
Arlene GolonkaArlene Golonka
Passed away at the age of 85 on May 31, 2021
Diana HylandDiana Hyland
Passed away at the age of 41 on March 27, 1977
Elisabeth VolkmannElisabeth Volkmann
Passed away at the age of 70 on July 25, 2006
Emma DanieliEmma Danieli
Passed away at the age of 61 on June 21, 1998
Georgina SpelvinGeorgina Spelvin
Celebrated her 89th birthday on 1st of March
Giuliana CalandraGiuliana Calandra
Passed away at the age of 82 on November 25, 2018
Grazia Maria SpinaGrazia Maria Spina
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 3rd of June
Irina DemickIrina Demick
Passed away at the age of 67 on October 8, 2004
Jada (Model)Jada (Model)
Passed away at the age of 44 on May 9, 1980
Judith RawlinsJudith Rawlins
Passed away at the age of 37 on March 28, 1974
Judy BamberJudy Bamber
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 13th of October
Juliet ProwseJuliet Prowse
Passed away at the age of 59 on September 14, 1996
Juliette MaynielJuliette Mayniel
Passed away at the age of 87 on July 21, 2023
Kessler TwinsKessler Twins
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 20th of August
Louisa MoritzLouisa Moritz
Passed away at the age of 82 on January 4, 2019
Marcella MarianiMarcella Mariani
Passed away at the age of 19 on February 15, 1955
Margarita SierraMargarita Sierra
Passed away at the age of 27 on September 6, 1963
Maria SolarMaria Solar
Passed away at the age of 42 on September 12, 1978
Marilyn WesleyMarilyn Wesley
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 8th of August
Marisa AllasioMarisa Allasio
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 14th of July
Maysa MatarazzoMaysa Matarazzo
Passed away at the age of 40 on January 22, 1977
Nancy DowNancy Dow
Passed away at the age of 79 on May 25, 2016
Norma SykesNorma Sykes
Passed away at the age of 80 on November 24, 2016
Pat PriestPat Priest
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 15th of August
Patricia LacerdaPatricia Lacerda
Passed away at the age of 37 on November 5, 1973
Shirley Anne FieldShirley Anne Field
Passed away at the age of 87 on December 10, 2023
Susanne CramerSusanne Cramer
Passed away at the age of 32 on January 7, 1969
Teresa GimperaTeresa Gimpera
Passed away at the age of 87 on July 23, 2024
Valeria FabriziValeria Fabrizi
Celebrating her 89th birthday on 20th of October
Virginia MaskellVirginia Maskell
Passed away at the age of 31 on January 25, 1968

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