Pornstars born in the year 1953

19 profiles available

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Susan Lynn KigerSusan Lynn Kiger
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 16th of November
Linda GordonLinda Gordon
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 12th of April
Patricia RhombergPatricia Rhomberg
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 15th of September
Classy KatiaClassy Katia
Passed away at the age of 69 on July 9, 2023
Dee Dee DeluxxDee Dee Deluxx
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 19th of July
Teresa OrlowskiTeresa Orlowski
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 29th of July
Alana FordAlana Ford
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 1st of January
Anne Bie WarburgAnne Bie Warburg
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 3rd of March
Annette HeinzAnnette Heinz
Passed away at the age of 71 on August 22, 2024
Bree AnthonyBree Anthony
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 2nd of April
Chris AndersonChris Anderson
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 1st of January
Debbie RevengeDebbie Revenge
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 13th of March
Erika CoolErika Cool
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 4th of October
Gina JanssenGina Janssen
Celebrated her 72nd birthday on 4th of January
Karine GambierKarine Gambier
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 9th of November
Louise FrevertLouise Frevert
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 31st of May
Mai LinMai Lin
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on 22nd of June
Shaun MichelleShaun Michelle
Passed away at the age of 49 on October 28, 2002
Terri HallTerri Hall
Passed away at the age of 54 on June 5, 2007

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