Pornstars born in the year 1965

52 profiles available

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Celebrating her 60th birthday on 25th of April
Seana RyanSeana Ryan
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 30th of July
Lene HefnerLene Hefner
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 8th of November
Carol CummingsCarol Cummings
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 26th of August
Cassy TorriCassy Torri
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 29th of November
Helen DuvalHelen Duval
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 19th of September
Dyanna LaurenDyanna Lauren
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 18th of March
Spontaneous XtasySpontaneous Xtasy
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 5th of February
Kristara BarringtonKristara Barrington
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 22nd of November
Kayla KleevageKayla Kleevage
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 20th of April
Madison StoneMadison Stone
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 12th of January
Misty McCaineMisty McCaine
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 22nd of February
Debi DiamondDebi Diamond
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 1st of May
Zoryna DreamsZoryna Dreams
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 2nd of February
Utah SweetUtah Sweet
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 8th of August
Kitty KaneKitty Kane
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 20th of July
Bionca SevenBionca Seven
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 22nd of January
Jaye MiloJaye Milo
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 13th of April
Angela Marie MineoAngela Marie Mineo
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 25th of April
Stacey OwenStacey Owen
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 28th of January
Elisa Ann CostaElisa Ann Costa
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 11th of October
Jazella MooreJazella Moore
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 17th of December
Cynthia GaynorCynthia Gaynor
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 6th of August
Andi RoxxxAndi Roxxx
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 17th of July
Catherine De SadeCatherine De Sade
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 25th of October
Andrea ClarkeAndrea Clarke
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 21st of June
April WestApril West
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 20th of November
Briana StarrBriana Starr
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 25th of July
C.J. BennettC.J. Bennett
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 23rd of May
Ellen HauflerEllen Haufler
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 6th of April
Eva AllenEva Allen
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 24th of April
Gayle MichelleGayle Michelle
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 1st of January
Heather HartHeather Hart
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 27th of July
Heather WayneHeather Wayne
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 20th of June
Hippy ChickHippy Chick
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 15th of January
Laura LeiLaura Lei
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 1st of January
Lexy CougarLexy Cougar
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 8th of October
Molly O'BrianMolly O'Brian
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 7th of February
Morgan MonroeMorgan Monroe
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 1st of January
Nicky MaybanksNicky Maybanks
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 12th of April
Nina SwissNina Swiss
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 23rd of November
Pauline LeePauline Lee
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 4th of November
Raven McCallRaven McCall
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 5th of February
Regina RussellRegina Russell
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 2nd of August
Roberta CanyonRoberta Canyon
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 12th of December
Sabina KalleitnerSabina Kalleitner
Celebrated her 60th birthday on 1st of January
Soriana CanaliSoriana Canali
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 30th of December
Tanya FoxxTanya Foxx
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 1st of October
Tina HolmesTina Holmes
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 24th of September
Twin TowersTwin Towers
Passed away at the age of 51 on April 3, 2016
Ursula CavalcantiUrsula Cavalcanti
Passed away at the age of 39 on September 22, 2005
Vanessa D'angelyVanessa D'angely
Celebrating her 60th birthday on 13th of July

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