Pornstars born in the year 1951

9 profiles available

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Linda WongLinda Wong
Passed away at the age of 36 on December 17, 1987
Colette SigmaColette Sigma
Celebrated her 73rd birthday on 1st of January
Kathi SomersKathi Somers
Celebrated her 73rd birthday on 22nd of September
Celebrated her 73rd birthday on 26th of November
Diane DiamondsDiane Diamonds
Celebrated her 73rd birthday on 19th of May
Cris CassidyCris Cassidy
Celebrated her 73rd birthday on 8th of April
Lisa LoringLisa Loring
Celebrated her 73rd birthday on 13th of February
Serena BlaquelordSerena Blaquelord
Celebrated her 73rd birthday on 20th of February
Vivi RauVivi Rau
Celebrated her 73rd birthday on 7th of December

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