Pornstars born in the year 1955

22 profiles available

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Brigitte LahaieBrigitte Lahaie
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 12th of October
Jennifer EcclesJennifer Eccles
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 30th of November
Rhonda Jo PettyRhonda Jo Petty
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 30th of March
Chelly SupremeChelly Supreme
Celebrated her 70th birthday on 18th of February
Jessica JuggsJessica Juggs
Celebrated her 70th birthday on 6th of March
Bambi WoodsBambi Woods
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 12th of July
Toni FrancisToni Francis
Celebrated her 70th birthday on 2nd of March
Dominique Saint ClaireDominique Saint Claire
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 11th of June
Alma MamaAlma Mama
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 20th of October
Auntie TrishaAuntie Trisha
Celebrated her 70th birthday on 9th of March
Barbara MooseBarbara Moose
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 4th of August
Barbara Von StatenBarbara Von Staten
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 23rd of October
Carolyn KholsCarolyn Khols
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 1st of November
Jane IwanoffJane Iwanoff
Celebrated her 70th birthday on 1st of January
Monique CarrereMonique Carrere
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 15th of July
Patty BoydPatty Boyd
Celebrated her 70th birthday on 10th of January
Robin ByrdRobin Byrd
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 6th of April
Saki St. JermaineSaki St. Jermaine
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 16th of April
Susan VegasSusan Vegas
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 7th of May
Sylvia MaySylvia May
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 4th of September
Valerie Rae ClarkValerie Rae Clark
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 22nd of July
Victoria WinterVictoria Winter
Celebrating her 70th birthday on 4th of July

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