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Stacey Williams

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About Stacey Williams

Originally from Dallas, Pennsylvania (near Wilkes-Barre), she moved to Mechanicsburg at the age of 13, and is a graduate of Cumberland Valley High School in Mechanicsburg. Williams was featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issues from 1992 to 1998 and was also in the 40th anniversary issue in 2004 as part of SI's Hall of Fame. She has also appeared in minor films such as The Dogwalker and Gangster World, and she had a brief role in the feature film, Jerry Maguire. Sonic Youth mention Stacey and other Sports Illustrated models in their song "Swimsuit Issue."

In 2024, she accused Donald Trump of groping her back in 1993 with Jeffrey Epstein witnessing.

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Another Trump victim. He certainly has a type.

Posted by Oosquai 2024-10-25 19:19