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Kathy Ireland

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About Kathy Ireland

Kathleen Marie Ireland, born March 20, 1963, is an American model and actress, turned author and entrepreneur. Ireland was a supermodel in the 1980s and 1990s, best known for appearing in 13 consecutive Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues. In 1993, she founded a brand marketing company, kathy ireland Worldwide (kiWW), which has made her one of the wealthiest former models in the world. As a result of her career as a businesswoman, she had made a $420 million personal fortune by 2015. In 2012, $2 billion worth of products bearing her company's brand were sold.

She has remained involved with various charities and non-profit organizations dedicated to education, emergency response and training for children, disease research and management, and HIV/AIDS.

As of January 2024, she has amassed 179,000 followers on her Instagram platform.

Kathy Ireland Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Kathy Ireland Links

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Link badgeKathy Ireland Pictures in an Infinite Scroll - 146 Pictures2019-01-16

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User comments

She is still very attractive. She can still shake that shimmy.

Posted by RUSHmusicfan 2024-08-29 12:18  🛈  


Posted by Alejandro 2022-07-22 05:32  🛈  

She was my first whacking material growing up. Loved Kathy.

Posted by Junior8uup 2021-05-05 07:05  🛈  


Posted by azeri98 2020-12-06 17:45  🛈  

Oh man, I've been into Kathy ever since I was a kid and starting to like girls. She's one of the best models of all time.

Posted by RB245 2020-04-25 09:52  🛈