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Jessica Gubenschek

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About Jessica Gubenschek

Birthday: Feb 28, 1986

Hometown: Montreal, Québec
Occupation: Personal Trainer/Model
Height: 5ʹ-8ʺ
Weight: 175 lbs offseason 150lbs stage weight
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Blonde
Favorite body part to train: Back and Shoulders
Website: coming soon
As been featured in many magazines

I’m a Canadian IFBB ELITE PRO Figure athlete who is passionate about fitness and teaching people how to live better and healthier lives. I recently did my Pro debut and won the Overall Title which qualifies me to compete in the World Championship held in Beijing China this upcoming November. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel to follow me on my journey.

I’ve been through a great deal the past few years, but continue more than ever to pursue my ultimate dreams & goals. Not only for myself, but to pursue a lifestyle & business that will inspire others to “never give up” to “never look back”, but continue to strive towards forward thinking and movement.

I just recently won my IFBB Elite Pro status and the Miss Canada Figure 2018 title, however my ultimate dream would be to compete at the highest level which is the OLYMPIA stage in Las Vegas.

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