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Jie Yin

aka Erica Yan / Yán' àilìkǎ / Yǐn jié / 严艾丽卡 / 嚴艾麗卡 / 尹傑 / 尹杰 More info on her aliases

Jie Yin alias list:
嚴艾麗卡 - Ring name (traditional Chinese)
尹傑 - Real name (traditional Chinese)
尹杰 - Real name (simplified Chinese)
严艾丽卡 - Ring name (simplified Chinese)
Erica Yan - Ring name (WWE)
Yán' àilìkǎ - Ring name (Pinyin Chinese)
Yǐn jié - Real name (Pinyin Chinese)
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About Jie Yin

Jie Yin is a Chinese CrossFit competitor and former professional wrestler. She's best known for her time in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) on the NXT brand, under the ring name Erica Yan.

Yin competed in CrossFit, competing in the CrossFit China Open and the Asia CrossFit Championship. She's is also an indoor rowing champion.

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