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Juliana Esteso

aka Juliana Mota More info on her aliases

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Juliana Mota
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About Juliana Esteso

Juliana Esteso aka jujubafit is incredibly fit, and she’s been recognized for it both on social media and the bodybuilding world. Back in 2017, the Brazilian athlete found success in the IFBB’s Wellness division when it made its debut in France, where she’s lived since 2015. For those unfamiliar with the various physique competition categories, judges in the Wellness division look for a very developed lower body with a more toned-down upper body, and it allows for a bit more body fat than some of the other women’s categories.

Esteso was seemingly built to compete in Wellness, with her legs stealing the show in nearly every photo she posts on social media. Even leggings can’t hide the incredible amount of muscle packed onto her quads and hamstrings. She hasn’t competed in some time, but she always seems to be in competition shape, and she keeps her more than 450,000 Instagram followers updated.

As of December 2024, Juliana has amassed 551,000 followers on her Instagram platform.

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