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Kip Force

aka Blonde Baller More info on her aliases

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Blonde Baller
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About Kip Force

Kip Force is an American glamour model, centerfold, and television personality who stars on the VH1 network series Bye Felicia! and was previously seen on the VH1 reality show Real Chance of Love, where she earned the nickname Blonde Baller.

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Link badgeKip Force - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2022-10-25

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VH1 reality television personality who stars on the series Bye Felicia! and was previously seen on the VH1 reality show Real Chance of Love, where she earned the nickname Blonde Baller.
Before Fame.
She attended Cal State University Fullerton on a full-ride basketball scholarship after graduating from high school with honors. She then graduated from Cal State with a 3.8 GPA, double majoring in criminal justice and psychology.
November 6, 1985
Denver, CO

Posted by caxtonclose 2021-07-24 15:52  🛈  

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