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Leah Halton

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About Leah Halton

Leah Halton is an Australian glamour model, TikTok star, YouTuber, and influencer.

As of November 2024, Leah has amassed 3.9 million followers on Instagram, 12.0 million followers on TikTok and 1.83 million subscribers on her YouTube platform.

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User comments

She's nothing special tbh, she's pretty but she looks like %90 of girls on tiktok,the same makeup and all

Posted by Lonely_dork02 2024-12-27 20:15  🛈  

She looks like Madison Beer

Posted by vezlaultima 2024-08-24 22:00  🛈  

This girls are the reason i'm glad for being a zoomer, esoecially for being a well endowed one, it's great talking with this prety girls knowing that you have a huge piece of manly meat hanging between your legs that can make them twist in pleassure

Posted by Fapman56 2024-05-18 15:11  🛈