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Lexi C

aka Lexi Cockley / The Lexi C More info on her aliases

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Lexi Cockley
The Lexi C
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About Lexi C

Live streaming phenomenon and aspiring model who racked up 125,000 fans on the Live.Me platform where she is known as TheLexiC.

She began golfing at a young age and was offered a full-ride scholarship to college for the sport. She studied business marketing at Penn State World Online instead of pursuing golf.

She entered a contest to be a Maxim cover girl.

She has a sister named Caroline. She dated Chris Taylor in 2018.

As of December 2023, she has amassed 614,700 followers on her TikTok platform.

Lexi C Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Lexi C Links

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Link badgeLexi C - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2022-10-25

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User comments

She is a cute girl who has a pretty smile. She should smile in the other photos.

Posted by Gmec47268 2023-10-04 08:44 (edited 2023-10-04 08:44)  

Complete package. She would be higher if she made an Onlyfans

Posted by SidneyA 2021-12-08 10:20