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Liya Afa

aka Estub Suki Afa More info on her aliases

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Estub Suki Afa
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I know you are trying to stick to oficial sources for measurements but sometimes they are not reliable. See
Eyaluta SeifuBack
A 36E but clearly not as big as 32E Liya. Either shes wearing the wrong size or these measurements are outdated. Breast size can change quite a lot over time. I think she is a 32F

Posted by NxLevel 2024-10-11 02:33 (edited 2024-10-11 03:55)  

Reply to

In an interview with her from the same website you referenced: So what are your exact measurements for those readers who want to know?My Breast size is 32 DD , my Waist is 26 , and my Hips are 36 inches." I'll go with her own assessment here, not the suggestion of 32F.

Posted by Timzilla 2024-10-11 05:58 (edited 2024-10-11 07:04)  


Posted by saltykracker 2023-07-08 11:53