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Lola Vinci

User Rating: 8.16/10 (25 votes)
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Current rank: unranked
  • Age: 36 years young
  • Born: Sunday 2nd of October 1988
  • Birthplace: Marseille, France
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Profession: Actress, Adult Model (former), Porn Star (former)
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Height: 5'3" (or 160 cm)
  • Weight: 120 lbs (or 54 kg)
  • Body type: Average
  • Measurements: 33D-24-33
  • Bra/cup size: D show conversions
  • Boobs: Real/Natural
  • Years active: 2009 - 2016 (started around 20 years old; 7 years in the business)
  • Tattoos: Floral design outside right thigh
  • Piercings: Lower lip on right

Lola Vinci Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full), Masturbation

Boy/girl: Blowjob, Vaginal, Facial

Lola Vinci Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Lola Vinci Links

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Link badgeLola Vinci nude from Explicite-art at theNude.com2022-12-25

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User comments

Very fuckable woman

Posted by Paolino980 2024-10-03 00:46  🛈  

Really beautiful woman ❤️❤️❤️

Posted by Manoj8233 2022-12-26 05:54  🛈  

Je vous salue avec amitié.
Je t'apprécie vraiment.
Si vous voulez rencontrer un garçon de 46 ans, décent et intelligent, avec un caractère très agréable, n'hésitez pas à me laisser un message ici : Et d'ici nous accéder à Whatsapp/Telegram. Je ne te donnerai que dix points. p.s. Je n'ai pas de distance quand j'aime une fille, ni d'ethnie.
Je vous attends!

Posted by erwin76 2022-10-01 01:29  🛈  

Te salut cu prietenie.
Imi place foarte mult de tine.
Daca doresti sa cunosti un baiat de 46 de ani, cuminte si inteligent, cu un caracter foarte placut, nu ezita te rog sa imi lasi un mesaj aici: Iar de aici ajungem la Whatsapp/Telegram. Iti voi da doar note de zece. p.s. Distanta nu am cand imi place o fata, si nici etnie. Te astept!
I greet you with friendship.
I really like you.
If you want to meet a 46-year-old boy, decent and intelligent, with a very pleasant character, please do not hesitate to leave me a message here: And from here we reach Whatsapp/ Telegram. I will only give you ten marks. p.s. I have no distance when I like a girl, nor ethnicity.
I'm waiting for you!

Posted by erwin76 2022-10-01 01:25  🛈  

Te salut cu prietenie.
Imi place foarte mult de tine.
Daca doresti sa cunosti un baiat de 46 de ani, cuminte si inteligent, cu un caracter foarte placut, nu ezita te rog sa imi lasi un mesaj aici: Iar de aici ajungem la Whatsapp/Telegram. Iti voi da doar note de zece. p.s. Distanta nu am cand imi place o fata, si nici etnie. Te astept!
I greet you with friendship.
I really like you.
If you want to meet a 46-year-old boy, decent and intelligent, with a very pleasant character, please do not hesitate to leave me a message here: And from here we reach Whatsapp/ Telegram.
I will only give you ten marks. p.s. I have no distance when I like a girl, nor ethnicity.
I'm waiting for you!

Posted by erwin76 2022-10-01 01:24  🛈  

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