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Louise ASMR

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About Louise ASMR

Louise ASMR is a YouTuber from USA.

YouTube star who is widely known for her Louise ASMR channel's content.

She has gained popularity there for her relaxation-centric videos by employing ASMR in role plays and stimulating sound atmospheres.

She began her YouTube channel in January 2015.

One of her most popular YouTube videos, "ASMR *Flirty Cuddle Time with your Crush*RP soft spoken," has amassed more than 1 million views.

Although she goes by Louise, her real name is in fact Rachael.

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You've not only stolen my heart but also my thoughts, my dreams, and my future. Will you complete me by becoming my wife? 💍

Posted by Mk80 2024-06-28 05:10  

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