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Lucciana Beynon

aka Lucciana Beatriz Beynon More info on her aliases

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Lucciana Beatriz Beynon
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About Lucciana Beynon

Daughter of Australian tobacco mogul Travers Beynon. She was raised on the Gold Coast, in Queensland, Australia.

As of June 2024, she has amassed 334,000 followers on her Instagram platform.

Before Fame
She worked at McDonald's.

In October 2019, she shot a bikini campaign for British online retailer ASOS in London.

Family Life
Her father was known as "The Candyman" and was famous for his lavish parties. Her mother is Miss World 1991 Ninibeth Leal.

Associated With
She is one of many famous Instagram stars from the Gold Coast, including Jordan Barrett.

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User comments

Very sexy

Posted by Alejandro 2022-07-05 04:22