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Macy Nihongo

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About Macy Nihongo

When asked why she chose porn

It’s a sad story with a happy ending. Five years ago I worked in office. Regular job like many other Thai people have. If you know the real situation on salary in Thailand you know it’s very low and to survive you need save every Baht. I already had my three-year-old daughter who has needs and wishes like every kid. One day she saw other kids at Mcdonald’s and she said to me, “Mommy I want a hamburger.” When I checked my pocket I had just 20 Baht; not even enough for a hamburger. It motivated me to do it something for myself and my daughter. Not care what other people say but start selling my pictures and videos online.

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Link badgeMacy Nihongo - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2022-10-25

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