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Marcia Sedoc

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About Marcia Sedoc

Born in the former Dutch colony of Suriname to Richel Bell and Ronald Sedoc, two doctors of Creole/Indian ethnicity, she is the first of six siblings. Towards the end of the sixties she emigrated to the Netherlands, becoming a top model at just 17 years old. Having moved to Rome in 1988, she distinguished herself as a soubrette, dancer, singer, theater and cinema actress. In the early eighties, in Italy she was chosen with an equally young Moana Pozzi by Federico Fellini, for a small but significant part in "Ginger and Fred".
In 1988 she posed nude for Playoy.

Marcia Sedoc Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Marcia Sedoc Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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