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Maria Giovanna Elmi

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About Maria Giovanna Elmi

Maria Giovanna is an Italian television announcer, TV presenter, singer and actress, active in Rai from 1968 to 1988.

After a debut as "Miss Buonasera" for Rai, she had success as a television presenter for some Rai 1 programs in the seventies and eighties. At the height of his popularity he also hosted two editions of the Sanremo Festival (1977 and 1978), acted in some cinema films and recorded music records for children. His notoriety faded in the nineties, only to return to being a popular face on TV in the new millennium following his participation in "L'isola dei famosi".

Maria Giovanna Elmi Performances

Solo: Nudity (Topless Only)

Maria Giovanna Elmi Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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Happy birthday Miss Buonasera. Gorgeous woman

Posted by Paolino980 2024-08-25 09:47  

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