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Marilyn Parver

aka Jetblue Grandmother / Marilyn More info on her aliases

Marilyn Parver alias list:
Jetblue Grandmother
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About Marilyn Parver

Marilyn Parver is an American photographer, humanitarian, producer, TV personality, makeup artist, Playboy model, and Mrs. Georgia. She was born on July 4, 1952 in Denver, Colorado, United States. She is sometimes credited as Jetblue Grandmother.

Marilyn Parver's measurements are 35-24-36, she has natural breasts.

Marilyn Parver was a featured Playboy model in May 1983.

She is known for her photography career, where she has won several international awards, humanitarian work in Africa for the Maasai Tribe, for been the first married mother to be featured on the Playboy magazine, her make-up career, and Mrs. Georgia Crown.

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