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Marion Ross

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Current rank: unranked
  • Age: 96 years young
  • Born: Thursday 25th of October 1928
  • Birthplace: Watertown, Minnesota, United States
  • Nationality: American
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Profession: Actress (former)
  • Hair color: Red
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Height: 5'5" (or 165 cm)
  • Weight: 126 lbs (or 57 kg)
  • Years active: 1953 - 2021 (started around 24 years old; 68 years in the business)

About Marion Ross

Marian Kubler Ross (The "Kubler" is just a joke; it's actually "Ellen") was born on the 25th of Oct. 1928, which makes her a Scorpio (with all that that implies!). She was the daughter of native Canadians who has somehow managed to escape deportation all these years. (Someday you must tell me your secret, Marion!) At the age of 13, she changed the spelling of her first name because she thought it would look better on a marquee. (Always thinking ahead, that one!)

While she is still, incredibly enough, still alive (and going strong at 94), she remains best known today for her stint as Marion Cunningham on ABC-TV's HAPPY DAYS from 1974-1984, a role which won her two Primetime Emmy nominations. (No wins, though. Tough crowd.)

Some of her other credits have included THE GLENN MILLER SHOW, TEACHER'S PET, LUST FOR LIFE, SABRINA, OPERATION PETTICOAT, and HONKY, as well as an appearance on TV's THE LONE RANGER. Her post-Happy Days credits have included CBS' THE BROKEN BRIDGE (which earned her another 2 Emmy nominations, plus one more for--wait for it!--) TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL.

She also starred in the sequel to TERMS OF ENDEARMENT, THE EVENING STAR, which gained her a Golden Globe nomination and an award WIN for The Lone Star Film and TV Award as Best Supporting Actress. Since the 90s, she has been best known for some recurring roles in sitcoms and for voiceover work. However, according to one of my sources she effectively retired as of 2021. I guess she unselfishly decided not to hog *all* the Hollywood glamour. Which was pretty darn nice of her, considering what a glory-hog the late Betty White was...

Be it noted that she also attended San Diego State University, an institution which I won't lower myself to give an opinion of. GOOD DAY, SIR! (Once again, only joking, SDSU fans!)

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Happy birthday. Stunning woman. I remember her when she played Marion Cunningam in TV serie Fonzie

Posted by Paolino980 2024-10-25 22:43  🛈  

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