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Marisol DeLaCruz

aka Marisol Cruz More info on her aliases

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Marisol Cruz
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About Marisol DeLaCruz

Marisol De La Cruz loves to workout which keeps her in great shape as you will be able to tell in her photo sets. This cocktail servers hobbies include shopping, dancing and walking her dog.

Marisol appeared in the Cyber Club features "Fresh Faces" (two pictorials) and "Real American Girls" (Occupation: Cocktail server).

Marisol DeLaCruz Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

She is a pretty little Latina tasta, proof that it does not matter one whit what the ethnicity of the female; if she be desirable, she should be displayed, naked, for the pleasures of males.

Posted by drusus 2022-01-24 06:06  

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