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Monica Fernandez

aka Mónica Fernández Sánchez More info on her aliases

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Mónica Fernández Sánchez
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About Monica Fernandez

Daughter of Spaniards, Asturians, José Luis Fernández and Aida Sánchez de Fernández. She was born in the city of Oviedo, the capital of Asturias, on July 2, 1972. She arrived in Venezuela in June 1974 along with her parents and other relatives who were looking for new alternatives in Venezuela. She has a male brother born in Venezuela in 1976. She married an active military man in 1997 and on March 20, 1998 she had her only daughter Daniela Victoria Franco Fernández, currently residing in Spain.

She is a lawyer graduated from Santa María University. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Education from the Andrés Bello Catholic University, with a mention in Social Sciences. She is a specialist in Criminal and Criminological Sciences, Administrative and Criminal Law

She was a former Criminal First Instance Judge of the Caracas Metropolitan Area from 2000 to 2005.

She is a highly relevant woman for the opinion and communication media in Venezuela, considered an influencer in legal, political and academic fields.

Her public career began in 1997, when she was only 25 years old when, under the government of President Rafael Caldera, she was appointed to the position of National Director of Prisons of the Ministry of Justice. She was the first woman and the youngest who, at the age of 24, assumed leadership of the 33 Venezuelan prisons at that time, and 33 thousand inmates. Her management was recognized as one of the best, with the esteem of political authorities and the media.

In 2000 she was nominated as a criminal judge through a competition and assumed the position for five years at the United Nations.

In 2008, Fernández suffered an attack in which she was shot in the back, which despite being very close to her spine, did not cause major damage.

His beginnings in the media date back to 2008, when he was offered to host a radio program called So that you defend yourself on the RCR 95.5 FM station, where he explained the duties and rights that the population must comply with, this radio program would end in 2011 .

The success of the radio program would attract the attention of Televen producers who decide to assign her a Case Closed-style program called Se ha dice, which she has hosted since 2013.

She was the winner of the 2003 Outstanding Young People of the World Award with accreditation from the United Nations Organization.

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