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Neringa Kriziute

aka Neringa Križiūtė More info on her aliases

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Neringa Križiūtė
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About Neringa Kriziute

Neringa Križiūtė is a Lithuanian artist, painter and glamour model.

Neringa Kriziute studied painting at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. Since 2016 she has held several solo shows and has been a participant in group exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad. Her works are visual diary of observation that chime with internal states or life phases. Although she is interested in poetic juxtapositions of certain objects, her paintings often verge on abstraction. She is concerned with paradoxes of light and dark, peace and unease in equal measure of something seen and yet unseen. Also relationship between man made objects or interventions in natural situations with subtle sense of ironic humor.

Her works have mythic quality that is both ancient and modern. They seem to capture a contemporary sense of anxiety and melancholy and uncertainty.

As of November 2024, Neringa has amassed 5.6 million followers on Instagram, 1.0 million followers on TikTok and 57,600 subscribers on her YouTube platform.

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User comments

Hefty - seems to be part time escort in London now

Posted by Shinji 2025-01-06 15:02  🛈  

She looks amazing in some of the photos posted here, absolute incredible body and very pretty...... She doesn't look half as good in her tik tok videos

Posted by Marvin_Simp 2024-11-26 11:04 (edited 2024-11-26 18:36)  🛈  

Beautiful, with an incredible body, pretty much perfection for me

Posted by LongThinDick 2024-11-08 11:04  🛈  

What I wouldn't give to be SQUEEZED by those Thighs while making love to her. WOWWWWW.

Posted by Wolvy89 2024-10-25 15:29  🛈  

Linda e maravilhosa

Posted by jppereira01 2024-08-12 19:23  🛈  

Even better in motion. She is delicious.

Though I suspect she's a it heavier than 137 pounds if she is in fact 5' 10". Doesn't matter. She looks great! Bangable/10

EDIT: further investigation looks to prove she is 5' 7". This was consistent across 3 sites. Her measurements, however, could not be confirmed as each site listed something different.

Posted by lurker69 2024-07-05 15:10 (edited 2024-07-06 13:38)  🛈  

She's on a whole other level. She's criminally underrated. Let's fix that, shall we?

Posted by TheMilkCollection 2023-10-23 23:32  🛈  

Legs and ass to die for.

Posted by schm8546 2023-03-18 21:46  🛈  

Perfect bitch!!!!!

Posted by DelijaizValjeva 2022-10-27 03:18  🛈  

She might be the sexiest woman who ever lived. Let me add, though, that she may be the most BEAUTIFUL woman who ever lived on the other hand, her face is so delicate and sweet, she may be the easiest woman who's ever lived a man or boy could fall desperately in love with.Yet,given all that, she may be the most powerfully sexually charismatic woman in history.Despite all that, she remains the only woman on the Atomic Energy Commission's Most Wanted List.In fact, she's the reason the only reason the AEC HAS a most wanted list. BUT... she's also the only Woman in history to be on the Vatican's Most Wanted List. She's the reason the Vatican created such a list. She is the subject of Ralph Nader's Unsafe At Any Speed. Vlad The Putin wants the Ukraine to give to Lithuania In exchange for Neringa's promise to marry him.She's the real.reason Will Smith punched Chris Roc. She's why FDR IS still in a wheelchair the, the proof ofGod's existence, Why the woman's movement became

Posted by Cwdkidman 2022-09-04 02:31  🛈  

Reply to

more han 100 perc. agreed

Posted by jenna33 2023-10-06 00:17  🛈