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Olga Urashova

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About Olga Urashova

Olga Urashova is a Russian model who lives and works in the Netherlands .

She moved with her parents to Belarus where she attended high school. She graduated in international relations from the University of Minsk. Urashova lived and worked in Amsterdam as a model from 2000 and was named Playmate of the Year by the Dutch magazine Playboy in 2005. She won the survival television program Expeditie Robinson in 2006.

In the fall of 2006, Urashova studied presentation and production at the TV College, and learned Dutch at the Regina Colie Institute. She also underwent a nose job.

In November 2006 she was on the cover of the Dutch magazine Maxim Magazine.

In June 2007, Urashova guest-starred as Vadim Kadar's girlfriend in Good Times, Bad Times. She also played the lead role in the fake trailer Nailed by Nikita. This trailer was declared the winner of Quentin Tarantino's 2007 Fake Trailer Contest and was included on the DVD of his film Death Proof.

She had a relationship with model and actress Dorien Rose for some time. The end of this relationship was why Urashova returned to Russia in 2009.

Playboy's Playmate of the Month Titles
Playboy Netherlands August 2005
Playboy Slovenia September 2005

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