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Pam The Blam

aka Nashieqa Washington / Pamela Moore More info on her aliases

Pam The Blam alias list:
Nashieqa Washington
Pamela Moore
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About Pam The Blam

Pam is most known for her appearances in the P90X fitness videos. Pam completed a random 90-day test group and in 2004 was asked to be in 3 fitness videos in the world renowned P90X. Her energy and precise workout skills resulted in an on-the-spot improvised nickname from P90X host Tony Horton when he said they all call her "Pam the Blam". In another workout, Tony said that Pam worked as a private investigator (Not quite accurate, Pam did background investigations for people who need security clearances).

Among Pam's accomplishments:
- Studied with the Groundlings
- Served in the Air Force as a medical professional
- Earned a paralegal certificate, a grant-writing certificate, and a license to sell insurance
- Has been on the Space Shuttle immediately after re-entry
- Was a contestant on "The Weakest Link"
- Authored a book under the name "Nashieqa Washington" entitled "Why Do Black People Love Fried Chicken"
- Has provided commentary for NPR

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