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Phyllis George

aka Phyllis Ann George More info on her aliases

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Phyllis Ann George
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About Phyllis George

Phyllis Ann George (June 25, 1949 – May 14, 2020), Miss America 1971 and Miss Texas 1970, was an American businesswoman, actress, and former sportscaster. She was also First Lady of Kentucky from 1979 to 1983.

George was born to Diantha Cogdell and James George in Denton, Texas. She attended the North Texas State University for three years until she was crowned Miss Texas in 1971. At that time, Texas Christian University awarded scholarships to Miss Texas honorees. As a result, George left UNT and enrolled at TCU for several weeks until winning the Miss America crown later that fall. She is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority.

George was Miss Texas 1970, and was crowned Miss America 1971 on September 12, 1970. The Women's Liberation Front demonstrated at the event. In August 1971, George traveled to Vietnam with Miss Iowa Cheryl Browne, Miss Nevada 1970, Vicky Jo Todd, Miss New Jersey 1970, Hela Yungst, Miss Arizona 1970, Karen Shields, Miss Arkansas 1970, Donna Connelly, and George's replacement after she was crowned Miss America, Miss Texas 1970, Belinda Myrick. They participated in a 22-day United Service Organizations tour for American troops there. The tour began in Saigon. Brown later commented that she thought "it was one of the last Miss America groups to go to Vietnam." During her year-long stint as Miss America, George also appeared on numerous talk shows, including three interviews on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.

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