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Rebecca De Mornay

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About Rebecca De Mornay

Her natural father was the radio and television commentator Wally George, with whom she always had a tormented and conflictual relationship. Her mother was named Julie Eagar, while her paternal grandmother was the famous child actress and vaudeville performer Eugenia Clinchard. Raised in France, she received her school education in the United Kingdom, but graduated in Kitzbühel, Austria. She began her acting studies at the Lee Strasberg Institute in the famous acting school in New York.

Rebecca De Mornay Performances

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Rebecca De Mornay Links

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Link badgeRebecca De Mornay Pictures in an Infinite Scroll - 93 Pictures2021-07-09

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User comments

Happy birthday. Stunning woman

Posted by Paolino980 2024-08-29 19:28  

Never forget that scene where she takes a baby and breastfeeds it, even though it isn't her baby in the Hand that Rocks the Cradle...

Posted by Mykranili 2024-02-05 05:46  

She was the sexiest actress at her prime!

Posted by Alejandro 2023-03-26 23:45  

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Posted by BETOSPIDER 2023-12-12 22:15