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Rio Teramoto

aka 寺本莉緒 More info on her aliases

Rio Teramoto alias list:
寺本莉緒 (her name in Japanese ideograms)
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About Rio Teramoto

Rio Teramoto is a Japanese Gravure idol and actress from Hiroshima.

She is represented by Les Pros Entertainment.

Teramoto did her first modeling as a child, saying it inspired her to continuing pursuing it as a career.

She began dancing at 3 years old and playing piano at 5.

She has two older brothers.

As of May 2024, she has amassed 281,000 Instagram followers and 78,200 subscribers on her YouTube platform.

Rio Teramoto Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full), Nudity (Implied Nudity Only), Nudity (Implied Nudity Only)

Rio Teramoto Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Rio Teramoto Links

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User comments

I think she's bigger than a C cup

Posted by bobsyerunkel 2024-08-23 18:12  

Sweet ❤️🔥💘💕

Posted by Huey53 2022-08-29 01:24