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Robeilys Peinado

aka Robeilys Mariley Peinado Méndez More info on her aliases

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Robeilys Mariley Peinado Méndez
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About Robeilys Peinado

Robeilys Mariley Peinado Méndez (born 26 November 1997) is a Venezuelan athlete whose specialty is pole vaulting. She won the bronze medal at the 2017 World Championships in London. In addition, she won multiple medals in several age categories.

Peinado started off as a gymnast but switched to pole vault aged 12 as she was getting too tall for the sport. Her personal best in the event is 4.70 metres set in Cochabamba in 2018. This is the current national record.

As of November 2024, Robeilys has amassed 123,000 followers on Instagram.

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