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Sallie Axl

aka Sallie Waterhouse More info on her aliases

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Sallie Waterhouse
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About Sallie Axl

Sallie Waterhouse, known as Sallie Axl, is a housemate from Big Brother 14.

Sallie is a tattooed, rock chick, glamour model who describes herself as a "bitch". Sallie has slept with over 70 girls and various celebrities, including footballers. She's a straight-talking Northerner who claims she offends most people she talks to. Her hobbies include extreme sports, fire-breathing and DJing.

Sallie has a 3 year old daughter who lives with her for a few days every week. Her daughter's father looks after her the rest of the time. As she spends a lot of time away, she says the time they have together is very precious.

Sallie has been a glamour model for the past two years although she has only been signed for the past 6 months. She loves modelling and the lifestyle it brings, and is glad to be one of the first tattooed models breaking into the mainstream.

By day, Sallie's job is being a model, and by night she is a DJ. Sallie thinks her biggest achievement is travelling around the world with her daughter when she was 2 years old. Sallie is currently single. Her last relationship ended in January after she found him checking her phone.

She is openly bisexual.

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Link badgeSallie Axl - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2022-10-25

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