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Shadi Y Cair

aka Shadi Yousefi More info on her aliases

Shadi Y Cair alias list:
Shadi Yousefi - Real name
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Current rank: #2001 Ranking Graph
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About Shadi Y Cair

Iranian model and Instagram star who has 320,000 followers. She is signed with Models International Management

Before Fame
Her first Instagram post was on September 12, 2017, and was a photo of her on a balcony, overlooking city lights. The caption read "Happy to start my journey" with a love heart emoji.

She is a brand ambassador and media partner of Luxury Interiors.

Family Life
She was born in Iran on the 16th of February, 1984.

Shadi Y Cair Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

Glad she is trending

Posted by poluza112 2023-03-21 11:31